Part 7: The Case Of Sekaiichi Domestica

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*This happened before Takano's birthday*

Chapter 10: Greatest Entry- In An Elevator!!!!


Chiaki Yoshino, 28 years old. I am a shoujo mangaka for Emerald magazines, as most of my fans know. What they don't is my real name. They know me as the Chiharu Yoshikawa, the author of the manga series I write for, under a female pen name. The main reason behind this is that the female audience might be disappointed if they found out that their stories are being written by a male.

Anyways, right now, I am in the elevator at my residence, heading back to my apartment, with my best friend, editor, and lover Yoshiyuki Hatori after a long day's work of finally meeting one deadline for the first time!

"Ugh! I am soooooooo exhausted!" I sighed.

"Good work on meeting with the deadline, though. The editors and printers were shocked since your go-to style is to make massive delays." Hatori made a snarky comment as if it wasn't a big deal, which only made my patience level go down.

"Hey! I will have you know that from now on, I---" And the elevator lights blew off, thus interrupting me and the elevator, with a jolt, stopped working and we got stuck between floors! I was scared because I actually happen to have a phobia when it comes to being trapped in an elevator.

"Damn! I have rung the emergency bell like fifty times, and everyone is gone to hell! And to top it off, there is no cell service!" Hatori yelled angrily.

"TORIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY NOT HELPING ME HERE!!!!!!!" I screeched in horror. I pushed Tori and rushed to the door and tried to pull it apart with all my might. But noooo!! First of all, I am as thin as a dry stick fallen off a tree, and secondly, the door was made of metal. And when I connect the dots, it seemed like I was going to be trapped in this elevator forever!

Suddenly, the top metal part of the elevator blew off with the soaring wind, and I started screaming in fear again. When I turned around to get Hatori for some comfort and support, the guy was in a more pathetic condition than I was. The guy was literally puking in his black office leather case! I ran over to him and stroked his back, trying to bury my fear of being trapped.

However, Hatori didn't stop vomiting, and the cold wind that was entering the elevator through the big hole that was created only grew stronger. At that moment, I felt that this entire box of metal was going to come apart, and we were going to fly along with it. I shut my eyes tight and desperately clung onto his white shirt and hid my face, bracing myself for what was coming next.

Suddenly, sparks started to ignite in the sky as we could see it all through that big dent. At first, it was two at a time, then it became three, later it became four, and then a million of them started to ignite all at once. I thought that we were literally going to burn! Then not much later, there was a swirl of black, blue, and white gleaming in the air with the sparks still igniting.

A few minutes after that commotion, it became dead silent. As I opened my eyes again and looked up, THAT WAS SERIOUSLY A MISTAKE! The uproar was not over! Two girls fell on top of me from the air! And their combined weight got the best of me as I felt myself being crushed to death. I looked below to see if Hatori was okay since he bore my weight as well as the weight of the two girls. The good news is that he stopped vomiting, but the bad news is that HE FAINTED!

"Get the hell off of me!" I yelled with the strength that remained within me. As I got worried about Hatori lifelessly collapsed on the floor. They got off me and stood up. I came on my knees and quickly held his head and placed it on my lap, and immediately started screaming with tears, "TORIII!!! Please get up! Please get up! Please be alive!"

One of the girls, the one with the reddish-orange hair and green eyes, said, "Move, you weepy head! I know a way to get this man up! Step aside!"

She went over to him, held his hand by the fingertips to check his pulse or something, and then suddenly jumped onto his chest! And jumped and jumped and jumped!

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND!?" I yelled as I grabbed her by the armpits and literally carried her off of him.

Hatori started coughing and slowly started to flutter his eyes open, coming into his consciousness. I rushed over to him and pulled him into a tight embrace! Thanking all the gods who kept him safe and made sure nothing happened to him.

"Ch-Chiaki? Are we still trapped?" Hatori mumbled with the remaining strength he had within him.

"I am fine, you, Baka!! I'm so glad you are fine. Don't you ever scare me like that, you big Baka!" I yelled as tears filled my eyes without me, even realizing it.

"I'm sorry for worrying you like that. But always remember that I'm your Baka....." Hatori replies with a weak smile. Man!! Whenever he says embarrassing lines like this, I secretly develop the urge to hug him. I didn't want to do it in front of those two girls, but my head was all mushy inside, and my body overflowed with the thought of being embraced by his big gentle hands. He pulled me into a firm embrace as my hands fumbled and started clutching his shirt instead.

When I looked from behind Hatori's shoulder, the girl with the reddish-orange hair was looking at us with a disgusted expression, whereas the other girl with the long purple hair was crying, and watching the entire drama in complete silence.

"Ryla? Why the hell are you crying? Can't you see that these two guys are gay? Aren't you disgusted?" The reddish-orange haired girl asked the purple-haired girl. But Ryla kept staring at us, with tears overflowing her eyes, ignoring every single word her friend squealed. She silently walked over to buttons of the elevator, broke down the controls, and started adjusting a bunch of red and blue wires. Hatori and I pulled away as we saw what she was doing. Neither of us interrupted her work process. A few minutes later, the elevator began to function normally! We reached our floor smoothly, and the door opened with Hatori and me rushing out to catch our breath.

"You need to notify your landlord about the elevator's broken parts. I managed to fix it for now." Ryla spoke after wiping her tears from her red, flashing eyes.

"Ryla, stop flirting with these emotionally disgusting gay people and tell me where the hell are we going to stay? Andrew told us that we will be separated, and we need to make our own living arrangements." The reddish-orange haired girl shouted.

"Calm down, Euadine. I'm sure we'll figure something out." Ryla placed a hand on Euadine's shoulders and consoled her.

"If you guys need a place to live for a while, you guys can crash at my place." I offered politely.

"Yoshino!? Are you out of your mind? You can't just invite random strangers to crash at your place!" Hatori yelled in my ear and shooting dirty looks at Euadine at the same time.

"Hey! They just saved our lives in the elevator when I was busy panicking while you fainted! Euadine woke you up, whereas Ryla fixed the elevator! Have you forgotten about all that?" I reminded Hatori in my defending voice.

"Okay fine!! I guess you have a point..." Hatori sighed.


After miraculously landing on top of the birthday cake, at Takano-san's birthday celebration, Ryla and Euadine's best friend, Phelicia, came to live in our apartment since they insisted. Somehow without even knowing, Hatori and I began to babysitting three 18-year-olds who were graduating high school. Even though at first, Hatori hated the three kids, he actually grew to be really fond of them and treats them as his younger sisters. As his significant other, I couldn't be happier...

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