Special Chapter 2: Happy Valentine's Day!

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*Happy Valentine's Day to all readers! We all have seen how the Sekaiichi Romantica couples celebrate Valentine's day in the most unbelievably romantic and memorable ways. They have basically become experts at that by now. This time, Yash (one of the real world kids), who has never celebrated Valentine's day before is going to reveal why to the Valentine's day pro; Masamune Takano! In the meanwhile, Olivia, Insiya, and Neil have been dropped off to the mall by Ritsu on his way to work. Hope you like it! Happy Reading and Wishing You All A Happy Valentine's Day!*

*Narrated In Takano's POV*

"Are you free today?" I asked Yash the question when he was lazing around in my apartment whilst the other three kids were dropped off at the mall by Ritsu on his way to work.

"Why do you ask?" He mumbled while switching the channels on the television, clearly trying to avoid my gaze.

I stepped in front of him, snatched the remote from his hand and switched off that damn TV that won't shut up about the local news!

"What did you do that for?" He yelled at me.

"If you don't want me to do something like that; better look at me while answering my damn question. Your response was clearly half-assed!" I countered.

"Alright fine! Yes, I am free. What the heck do you want from me?" He growled at me.

"I'm taking you out for coffee," I replied, trying to maintain my calm while this brat constantly gives me nothing but ridiculous backtalk.

"I hate to break it to you, but don't you think your boyfriend will get jealous that you're going out with someone else on Valentine's day? And I'm sure you know that I'm not gay, so there's no point for you to spend your money on me. Why don't you fuck your man and leave me alone?" He stated with a vicious smile slowly spreading across his face.

I can understand why Ritsu literally detests this guy. This guy deserves to go to hell. The only reason I want to take him out is that I want to cheer him up, and he gives me this kind of response?! Wait a minute... now that I think about it, didn't I behave with Ritsu in a similar way when he tried to get close to me back in high school? But I had a story behind my behaviour , well... I guess this guy has one too; I just need to get it out of his system.



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"HOW THE FUCK DID I COME HERE!?" Yash yelled furiously.

"I believe I dragged you," I replied, stating the obvious.

"Why did you bring me here? You must have a motive, don't you?" He inquired like a police inspector with his hands folded and his eyebrows stiff as ice.

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