Part 5: The Case Of Junjou Egoist

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Chapter 8: A Woman Of My Work

*This happened before Takano's birthday*

*Narrated In Hiroki Kamijou's POV*

Okay! First of all, two weird kids land up in the closet in my English class, and then I have my own set of kids living with me for some reason! Maya Runge and Madhav Krish. It's been a week ever since I found them in the staff room messing up the pile of books that I took hours to arrange. As much as these kids are a pain in the ass to handle, they are really adorable at times. I remember it crystal clear. The day when I first met them.


Since Professor Miyagi had taken a leave of absence for a week to take care of his "brother" that I once caught him making out with, I had to manage his work load as well. Seriously, that guy got a divorce more than a year ago, and his next target is a freshman at this college?! Man, that guy needs a CAT scan. I arranged a huge pile of books that we were going to use for the next conference meeting, according to series, title and publisher. Not gonna lie, I took five hours to do that, and the only mistake I made was to go to the washroom, in the wrong set of five minutes!

When I returned, I was shocked to see that entire magnificent and organized pile of books messed up with two kids sitting in that mighty mess. They were too busy arguing to notice that I was standing right in front of them, losing my mind! First, it was the two bastards in the closet in my English class and then two totally different strangers who looked similar to the age of those two.

The girl with the red hair yelled, "You big idiot! What kind of a moron spits five chewing gums on a girl's beautiful and perfectly silky hair on their way through the anime simulator?!"

The guy scoffed, "Beautiful? Please, you know what is 'beautiful'? MY FOOT! Your hair reminds me of a monkey's butt, I might as well cover it with chewing gum because it's nothing but hideous!"

The girl screamed, "How dare you!? I have to shave off my entire hair and become a baldie until I get a weave! Why are you picking on me!? What the hell did I do to you anyway!? You don't even know me!"

Before this argument could go on any further, I threw a shoe at them and shouted at the top of my voice, "SHUT THE HELL UP!"

They stopped arguing and looked at me with a blank expression. Their eyes widened as their gaze landed on me. They both sized me up and down like I was "the missing part of a science project." Before I could ask what the hell they were doing here, Nowaki (my lover), walked in and asked, "Hiro-san, are you do--. Who are these kids?'

"Like hell I would know!" I yelled at him for no reason whatsoever.

Nowaki walked over to them and asked politely, "Okay, I'm sure that there is an explanation to this. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

They then explained that they were from another world and that they have come here through an anime simulator. This trip was a reward for their hard work. I love kids who actually work hard to achieve their goals.

Nowaki insisted on providing a shelter for these kids for the duration of their stay. And the only reason why I went along with his desire is because it has been eight years ever since we have been together and Nowaki often pleaded me that he wanted to look after kids some day. And I always try my best to fulfill his wish, which makes me profoundly happy as well. Even though I hated these kids at first sight, but for Nowaki, I might as well give them another fair chance.


Which brings us back to this day. It has been over a month ever since they have landed in the anime world. And I don't know how, I have grown to be extremely fond of Maya. She is serious, hardworking, intelligent, and kind but she is kinda hyperactive in her own way and gets excited by even the smallest of things. OH MY GOD! SHE'S THE FEMALE VERSION OF NOWAKI! Is that why I am so fond of her? God! I feel like I'm growing too old to notice the difference. Wait no, I'm still 29! That can't be true! Maybe I just like people who remind me of Nowaki in some way or the other.

On the other hand, Madhav is the exact opposite of Maya! And yes, that means, I DESPISE HIM AS HELL! I mean, he didn't do anything to me, but the way he behaves with Maya is intolerable. First, he spits gums all over her hair, he constantly mocks her, and to top it all off, he mixes worms in her cereal this morning! I mean, what the hell is his problem!? What did that girl ever do to him? They don't even know each other; they studied in different schools and only met each other in Japan just before they used the anime simulator; that's what Maya told me when I confronted her. Even I have been observing Madhav for quite a while now, and I must say he has an arrogant and personality that I cannot put up with. Just yesterday when I asked him to remove his feet off of the coffee table in the hall, he told me to fuck off! But no matter how much I try, I somehow cannot bring myself to throw him out of the house because a voice inside me keeps telling me that he's not a bad guy and he has his reasons. WELL, GOD KNOWS WHAT GOOD REASON HE HAS!

I feel horrible for Maya. Right now, she's out with Nowaki shaving her entire hair off. The poor girl has been trying to keep it together for a month! It took Nowaki a whole month to convince her to shave her head off. We tried everything we could, but the gum won't come off her hair without taking a patch of red hair once it's off. She insisted on trying some other remedies rather than shaving it off but there was no other option. But seriously, I'm surprised how this girl didn't LITERALLY KILL Madhav for what he did. If I were in her place, he would have been under a tombstone by now.

Just at that last thought flew across my mind when I was relaxing on the couch reading newspaper, Nowaki and Maya returned home. Maya was wearing a blue and white beanie, and surprisingly was quite composed for a typical girl who had just shaved her head off.

I asked, "Hey Maya, you going to eat dinner with us?"

Maya replied with a smile, "Yeah sure, why not?"

Nowaki went towards the dining table and said, "Today's dinner will be Italian Risotto!"

I commented, "Well that sounds classy! I thought you didn't know what Risotto was, Nowaki."

Nowaki answered, "I didn't know until Maya told me it was her favorite. I felt bad for her since he just had a bad day so I thought that it would be a good idea for us to try it too."

I nodded as a response and as Nowaki and Maya were setting the Italian takeout on the table, I looked over to see Madhav peeking behind the wall next to my bedroom. As soon as my gaze landed on him, he hid his face from me. I pretended as if I didn't see him, and called out, "Madhav! Dinner's here!"

Madhav yelled from behind the wall, "I don't want food, you guys can eat that crap by yourselves!"

Nowaki asked with consideration, "Are you sure? Or else you will go hungry tonight. Do you want something else?"

Madhav responded angrily, "No! I need a break from you losers! I'm going to bed you nerds!"

We silently sat down and ate our dinner. While I was eating that scrumptios meal, I could only wonder, "What the hell is his problem?!"

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