Part 1: The Case Of Sekaiichi Nostalgia

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Chapter 3: Jesus Take The Wheel!

*AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter is a bit long as I am only going to update this story on the 15th of every month but to compensate for the same, there will be two special chapters included. Sorry if any inconvenience has been caused.*

*Narrated in Olivia's POV*

I found myself lying on the bedroom floor, as I fluttered my eyes open. But I was horrified to discover what was before me; two men naked on the bed with their arms wrapped around each other. I tried to control my emotions and went to look if someone from my clan was here with me. Luckily, I found Neil in the bathroom and Insiya and Yash collapsed on the couch in the hall. Soon enough, they all woke up and headed to the bedroom where I was sitting on the floor in a corner with my eyes closed. Neil placed his hands on my shoulder and asked me, "What's wrong, Olivia? Why are your eyes covered?" All that could come out of my mouth was, "I prefer to be this way!" Yash responded, "Come on, Olivia! We're in the anime world! Get rid of this stubborn attitude--"

Insiya interrupted him by screaming so loud that all of us started screaming, and the two naked men were startled and woke up as a result. Yash yelled angrily, "Insiya! What the heck is wrong with you!?" Insiya shouted, "Look behind you, you dimwit!" Yash whirled around and then understood why were my eyes covered. Even Neil was quite surprised. He then composed himself and said, "Okay, Insiya. If you don't understand what's before you; these are two men who--" Insiya yelled with her cheeks burning red, "I know, you idiot! But this is disgusting! I didn't come here to see this!" 

One of the naked men looked at us and shouted, "What the heck are you?" Neil sarcastically answered, "Can't you see that we're humans!?" Yash added, "Just so you know misters, we ain't here to see two gay men having sex. This is rather a sight that we have never seen before and nor we intend to see in the nearby future." The man yelled, "Huh!? How old are you dimwits!?" I replied, "I'm eighteen, and the rest of these people are seventeen; we're still in high school, you know. Even after considering that we're graduating soon; this ain't a sight that teenagers need to see." The man shouted, "Okay, you guys need to man up a bit! I lost my virginity to this man here, when I was 17 and this man was 15! What the heck is your point!?" The other who was sitting silently beside him until now, started screaming, "TAKANO! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? WHY ARE YOU SPILLING OUT OUR SEX LIFE TO THESE STRANGERS! IT'S NOT LIKE I LIKE HIM OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT! WAIT... WHY AM I EXPLAINING MYSELF TO YOU! I'M GONNA CALL THE COPS!"

I finally spoke, "Okay look! Calm down, everyone! There is a huge misunderstanding here! Sirs, we aren't from around here, okay? As strange as this might sound, we have come from a different world, where things are basically the same but our values are a bit different, so we ain't used to seeing stuff like this. We came here through a simulator that one of the men invented back in our world. We have teleported ourselves here, to experiment his device." Yash added, "Not only that! We are the top students from our respective schools, so our teachers brought us to the simulator back in our world and said that to commemorate our hard work for three years, they are gifting us with an experience we will never forget. That's it!" Insiya said, "Besides, we don't mean harm at all! The rest of our friends are also in this world, but we don't know where they are as we have split up. We're just here to explore this world and have fun. To be honest, we didn't expect such an 'unexpected' welcome."

After narrating the entire story of how we got here, the two men started to come at ease quite a bit. One of them cracked into a smile and spoke, "Sorry for that weird exchange. I'm Takano Masamune, and this is my boyfriend, Onodera Ritsu. And you guys are...?" 

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