Part 1: The Case Of Sekaiichi Nostalgia

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Looks like I am uploading the chapter before 15th December. Also, the picture above are the real world kids living with the Sekaiichi Nostalgia couple (Ritsu and Masamune). I thought you readers once wanted to have a look of the real world characters as well. Hope you like them! Happy Reading!

Chapter 4: Revealing of the dead and rejuvenating a new

*Narrated in Ritsu's POV*

My eyes fluttered open to see Takano snoring beside me and Insiya and Neil fainted on the floor. It was four thirty in the morning and I could hear someone watching television in the living room, so I figured that Yash and Olivia must have woken up already. Well, I wonder if they're okay; considering after what happened yesterday. 


I mean, yesterday, while we were in the car, I found myself thrown at the back seat of the car with Takano. I was worried as I wondered who drove the car home. I peeped with my eyes leveling with the edge of the seat to see Yash and Olivia making out! As much as I wanted to scream, "What the heck is going on here? Are you guys a couple or no?" I saw Olivia's eyes filled with tears, and not much later, she slapped Yash and ran out of the vehicle. Thank god that Takano didn't see any of that mess, or else he would just jump into questioning mode without thinking twice.


I could only wonder what made her do that. At first, she was deeply feeling into the moment, and then her expression faltered as she pulled away, and that's when she slapped him and ran away. With these thoughts lingering around in my head, I found Yash making coffee for himself in the kitchen with the television switched on. As he saw me approaching towards him, he switched it off, and took his place on the couch with his coffee. I made my share as well and placed myself next to him.

"Good morning. Where's Olivia?" I asked.

"Probably with someone who is not a dumbass unlike me." He answered sadly.

"Okay, man! What's with you?! What is going on between the two of you, huh?!" I yelled as I found myself getting irritated.

"Why is it any of your business?" He asked me, still maintaining his composure and keeping his voice down.

"This is my house, so you go by my rules, okay!? Answer me!" I shouted as a response.

That dimwit folded his arms and calmly replied, "Technically this is Takano's house. So I technically don't need to obey you."

Okay! I can't believe that Olivia would like this obstinate guy. Forget Olivia! Any girl in general, I'm saying! I thought girls wanted a gentlemen, not an ass who comes with a huge package of backtalk, which only consists of nonsense that makes me want to punch him in the gut.

"Listen young man!" I said. "You wish I weren't Takano. Are you gonna answer me, or shall I tell Insiya and Neil that you got slapped by Olivia last night?"

His eyes widened as he yelled in question, "You saw that!?"

"She liked me back in middle school." He mumbled. "But I rejected her, saying that I was sorry that I couldn't return the feeling because I was dating someone else."

"Did she confess?" I asked.

"No, but I knew that she liked me because of the rumors circulating around the school." He responded.

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