Part 4: The Case Of Junjou Romantica

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Chapter 7: Starting On The Wrong Foot

*This happened before Takano's birthday*

*Narrated in Misaki's POV*

Misaki Takahashi; 22 years old, month: November. With my friend Todo's help, I was barely able to pass Kamijou's class. All I have left to submit is my thesis, so I feel like I should be able to graduate without any further obstacles. If I successfully graduate, I will officially become a Marukawa editor, which is my dream job despite its own set of complications. Right now, I'm sitting in Mr. Kamijou's class and wondering about all this while he is giving a lecture on how to write our thesis.

Suddenly, the closet full of stationery and other supplies started to wiggle back and forth. The entire class was dead silent. Everyone's gaze landed on the closet, and they gaped at it like the back and forth movements became only more rigorous. A few seconds later, noises started emanating from the closet! Okay, this was seriously creeping me out! My best friend Todo has gone for a vacation, so I have no one to reassure me that there was no psychopath in the closet. I thought Mr. Kamijou will take off his shoes and throw it at the closet or something violent like that to make it stop like he always does with us, but this time I guessed even he peed in his pants.

Finally, after a long moment of this damned silence, Kamijou looked at me and yelled, "Hey you, Akihiko's flatmate! Go and open the closet to see what the hell is going on there!"

My eyes widened with shock, and I yelled, "Sir? Why me?"

"Just go!" Mr. Kamijou shouted back. I may be scared of what is going on pounce on me in that closet, but I am even more scared when Mr. Kamijou completely loses his mind. Man! I have no idea how does his wife deal with him. Hats off to her, even if she loves this guy!

Some psychopath shouted loudly in the class, "Ooohhh~ two passionate lovers are really gettin' hot and heavy in there, huh?"

disgusted by his comment, I mustered all my courage and slowly tiptoed my way to the corner of the classroom where the closet was vigorously wobbling. Everyone jumped out of their seats to get a clear view. It was like me being a hero! Unless a clown jumps from that metal closet, which will make me look super dumb. My fumbling hands landed on the doorknob. I closed my eyes tightly, bracing myself for what's gonna come ahead of me. I gently opened the door to find out two boys falling on top of me! I am not gonna lie, they were really heavy! They were screaming at the top of their voices. And followed by that, before anyone knew it, the entire room of students was screeching!

"AXEL! Can't you freakin' control yourself?!" The guy with the leather jacket dangling with silver chains with the fancy hat who actually had the aura of a typical bad boy yelled.

"I can't help it! That creature wasn't normal! It was a cocka-mouse!" The other tall guy with an innocent face and chubby cheeks shrieked with fear. His wardrobe was the exact opposite of the bad guy. He was wearing a tie, and his hair was neatly combed, whereas the bad boy's hair was all messed up.

"What the hell is going on here!? How did you two get there?!" Mr. Kamijou shouted.

The two guys immediately stopped arguing and got off of me and looked around with a blank expression spread across their faces.

The bad boy squealed, "Yo Axel, we made it!"

"Made it?! What the hell do you mean?" Kamijou yelled in question with me, just gaping at everything that was going on.

The two boys realized that the atmosphere was really awkward. The innocent guy pretended to be there with one of the lamest excuses I ever heard. "Wait a minute... this isn't the men's restroom?"

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