Part 2: The Case Of Sekaiichi Trifecta

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: The picture above are the physical appearances of the characters living with the Sekaiichi Trifect Couple. However, this chapter is mainly based on Zen Kirishima trying to set Anand up with a girl named Phelicia (who crashed Takano's birthday party and landed on the cake with Hex Tendon who became a cat after teleportation). Happy Reading!

Chapter 12: The Lash Out


There goes a very well-known saying, "Do not judge a book by its cover." But in this case, the way how Anand dresses totally reflects on his character. Well, since these guys have come to the anime world, I might as well keep them entertained, right? Yokozawa is on Akira and Meera duty, Hex the cat is busy playing with Sorata, my darling daughter Hiyori is gone for a camping trip, and Anand is lying on the couch reading a big fat physics book. Or at least that's what I hope he was reading. And I finally had a day off from Marukawa so I thought that I would take the kid out somewhere. I feel bad for him. He spends the entire day on the couch reading and the only time he gets up is when he has to use the restroom. And when I asked him where he wanted to go, he gave me an answer that I expected, but at the same time, I was like"Really?" The guy wears big fat glasses 24/7, keeps his hair combed neatly, wears woolens all the time and always drinks coffee. Now tell me, where a guy like that would want to go? Yep, your guess is right. He wants to go to the largest national library in Tokyo, where he could find more physics textbooks! Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that the guy wants to learn, but seriously man, you need a break!



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The guy was astounded with the vast collection of books systematically stacked before him. Okay, I'm not exaggerating, but the guy's eyes were literally glowing like how a little girl does when she sees a hunky movie star. I'm just glad that I got him out of the house and he seems to be happy. That was my aim and I hit the target. That's all. End of discussion. While he was surveying the textbooks there, we ran into Phelicia Lei, the girl who arrived in the anime world, by crashing Takano's birthday party, literally. Though we declined the invitation because Hiyori wanted to spend time with us before her camping trip, Takano told us about her when Yokozawa asked how his celebration went. Well, I was certainly interested to meet this 'badass Phellie' character for myself. And I wonder if Anand has ever talked to an actual girl before (other than his besties, Olivia and Insiya). But I wanted him to start a conversation with her..................... if you know what I mean.......

I grabbed Anand's hand and dragged him towards the chemistry section where Phellie was scanning textbooks and quickly shoving them back.

"Hey, Phellie! Have you met Anand?" I smoothly glided over and played the matchmaker card that was at the top of my sleeve for years. I thought I would play it when my daughter grew older but I guess I'm doing it now.

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