Part 1: The Case Of Sekaiichi Nostalgia

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Chapter 29: The Question


Finally, I am back from Osaka after several months to see these kids freeloading at mine and Onodera's place turn by turn. Indeed, I missed a lot of stuff while I was looking after my great-grandfather. I am happy that I at least got to spend an inordinate amount of time with him before he passed away. Most of all, I am incredibly happy to be with Ritsu again. When he got injured, I lost my mind. I thought that I had to come back especially after what Akira said. But if I didn't have these kids here to look after him, I don't know what would I have done. I really have to say, Olivia and Neil have done a fantastic job. They not only took care of Ritsu, but they also looked after Ryla and Mark. They do make a commendable team as friends. Good thing they didn't lose that when they broke up.

"ROMANTICA IS IN THE HOUSE!" Insiya squealed as she got off the phone with Ethan and Axel. Funny story behind that actually. After Olivia's epic proposal in Osaka, I returned back to Tokyo in no time. Olivia, Ethan, Axel, and Ryla summoned Usami-sensei and me to a coffee shop and made another request. Usami-sensei was already planning on proposing his lover; the same as me. Therefore, these kids, with anything else better to do, suggested on us doing a double wedding in Italy and they will take the trouble of booking tickets all the way to Italy and being the wedding planners. However, the money had to be paid from our pockets because these kids are practically broke. Well, by the way these people talk about their world, I feel like theirs is a much crueler place to live, so I might as well show them that love can actually be beautiful despite any gender. I guess with the same thought crossing Usami-sensei's mind, he agreed as well.

Well, the four kids did promise us that they would book the tickets, but looking at them right now, I really think that I should help them.

"GAHHH!!!! THERE ARE TOO MANY MEN ON THE GUESTLIST! I AM LOSING TRACK HERE!" Ryla screamed with her head buried in her hands in frustration.

"I GAVE YOU ONE JOB!!! PREPARE THE LIST! HOW HARD IS THAT!?" Olivia yelled as she abandoned the computer and snatched the piece of paper from her hands. I seriously don't want to mess with these sisters, especially with the tremendous burden on their heads. I offered to help them several times but all I got was two kicks on my shins from the both of them. So instead, I just sat beside Olivia and peeped into the list that has been made so far.



The grooms (semes): Akihiko Usami and Masamune Takano

The grooms (ukes): Misaki Takahashi and Ritsu Onodera

1. Shinobu Takatsuki

2. Nowaki Kusama

3. Hiroki Kamijou

4. Yoh Miyagi

5. Haruhiko Usami

6. Takahiro Takahashi

7. Ryuichiro Isaka

8. Kaoru Asahina

9. Fuyuhiko Usami

10. Eri Aikawa

11. Kaoruko Usami

12. Mizuki Shiiba

13. Manami Takahashi

14. Tanaka (Usami's butler)

15. Mahiro Takahashi

16. Shinosuke Todo

17. Shouta Kisa

18. Yoshiyuki Hatori

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