Special Chapter 4.2: Fulfillment Of The Last Wishes

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As Ritsu finished the breakfast that Insiya and I prepared for him, he politely requested, "Thanks for the meal and Olivia could you pass my black coat from the closet please?"

I nodded and went to his bedroom to search the coat in his closet. Ugh! I must say, this guy is a mess. The hangers didn't have any clothes on them but the floor surely did; in a huge pile. Well, I have no intention of being his mother and clean it up for him. But I will scan the pile to see if I can find it. I threw several clothes on the side to finally find the coat I was supposed to bring. However, there was something below that piece of clothing that I'm pretty sure looked like a bag.

Okay! Now I am curious what's in there but I am sure that Ritsu doesn't want me looking through that so I am going to wait till he leaves. I went ahead, gave him the coat, exchanged goodbyes and he left the apartment.

NOW! TIME TO SNOOP! But wait a minute... I never snooped through anyone's stuff before. And even if I did, I did it in Muscat with my ISM besties. Back in our prime time, we once snuck into the principal's office to get back the water guns he confiscated from the boys which they brought to school to celebrate Holi! We did manage to get them back of course, but we also took advantage of the situation and snooped into one of his drawers to find love letters from our Social Studies teacher! And he already had a wife and it was not her! Well, that was a big revelation and laugh for all of us. But we decided to not tell a soul about this. As much fun as that was, social studies class became awkward for all of us.

Anyways, I guess this is the perfect time to rejuvenate our former prime. I hurried up to Insiya who was cleaning the dishes and asked her to call up Anand, Madhav, and David to come to the apartment to bring back the good old days! Well, there is no one to interrupt us. Yash is gone out with Akira as usual and Neil is gone to the library with Ryla, Euadine, and Phellie. So it's gonna be just THE ISM BESTIES!!!

An hour later, these guys showed came banging on the front door and repeatedly shouted the words OPEN UP!!! I was worried what the hell was going on on the other side of the door. Insiya rushed and opened the door while I went running to the closet to bring the bag to the hall.

The three so-called men barged into the apartment and were huffing.

"Why did you guys come running?" I asked as I actually saw sweat dripping off their heads.

As the three of them plopped themselves on the couch, David yelled, "Tell this stupid Anand to never pet any dog that he sees!"

Anand replied, "Hey! Not my fault that Hex became human and went to jail! Here's what happened. The three of us met in front of the building, saw a man with his dog, I pet it, it got wild and ran out of his master's leach and chasing us all the way from the staircase to Onodera-san's apartment."

Madhav was somehow silent during the exchange. Usually, in situations like this, he would at least make one or two sarcastic remarks. But something doesn't feel right here. "Umm... guys?" He finally spoke, this breaking his silence. "D-d-didn't you cut off ties from me or something?"

Everyone in the room gasped in horror. The very notion Madhav even thought of that is revolting! Wait a minute... SHOOT! Maya asked us that in order for Madhav to treat her better, we should stop talking to him and avoid all forms of contact until she says so. And clearly that deal slipped out of all our minds.

"I guess it's time to come clean, huh Madhav?" Insiya said while fidgeting with her fingers. Madhav looked up with a perplexed look on his face.

"Well, you see... Maya told us not to talk to you so that you would realize the fact that you treat her 'worse than garbage,'" David articulated.

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