Part 2: The Case Of Sekaiichi Trifecta

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Chapter 27: The Drive


My chest feels a lot lighter. Yokozawa-san and Kirishima-san have toiled with their everyday life and always had my back to visit and fight the doctors just so my Meera can be treated. After a year, my child is as healthy as any other. And honestly, I cannot even start to express how happy I am! Well, my parents are not even close to accepting her. My love life is gone for a toss. I am sleep-deprived and a single mother who is just a high school graduate. But, as long as I have Meera, I don't need anything else.

However, whenever I look at Kirishima-san and little Hiyori bonding with Yokozawa-san, I sometimes feel that Meera is really going to miss having a full-time parent. I know that Yash has agreed to do everything for both of us and visit us every day to check-in, it won't really be the same...........................................................................................................................................................

Right now, I am on the couch reading "The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children" by Shefali Tsabary. As one can see by the name, it is pretty obvious that I should have more information about something like this. Judging by the seemingly evident 'heterosexual' name, this book is too good to be produced in a world like this. I picked this book from the real world before I came here. I might as well do something useful other than studying for my entrance exam to get into my dream school: Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto.

While I was reading the book, someone started kicking the door repeatedly! It really got onto my nerves. Seriously! Way to kill the reading mood! I slammed my book and angrily threw it towards the couch as I angrily stomped towards the door.

I opened it to see a certain someone with a huge basket with several supplies! It was so big that it was completely covering up the person's face! The guy just barged into the apartment, thus pushing me aside.

"Who the hell are you!?" I screamed. "I didn't order any package!"

The guy placed the massive gift on the couch and questioned as he whirled around, "Well you are Akira Rai, right?"

"Yeah I am, but what is this?!" I asked as I pointed at the basket.

"It's something that Mark left for Meera before he died." He answered. Now, that is really sweet. I just met the guy a year ago and he already sent a gift for my daughter? Wow. I've never seen an F-boy who is this generous. I suppose, he always had his way with kids. He was charming, kind, smart, and handsome. If the guy didn't die and if I wasn't so obstinate about Yash, then maybe I could give him a chance. Like many others, physically he may not be here, but he is immortal and resides in all of our hearts.

"Gimme black coffee!" The guy demanded as he sat on the couch and treated as if it was his own home! I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him with my eyebrows raised. "Don't look at me like that!" He said with a wide grin spread across his face. "I just delivered a package that is twice my height. I don't know where the hell do you come from, but in China and Canada, we are supposed to appreciate the people who serve us."

Seriously. This guy is acting like he is the god of values or something. First, he kills my reading mood. Second, he barges into the apartment. Third, he asks me for coffee as if I am his servant. And fourth, he is lecturing me about manners!?

"Serve me!? Who the heck are you!?" I yelled.

He responded with a crooked smile, "We've met four times and yet you don't remember me. In the real world before we came here, Onodera-san's surprise for Takano-san, sneaking into their party and causing a food fight there, and lastly, before Mark died. I'm Neil Liu, a friend of Mark. Need I say more or are you gonna get my coffee ready?"

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