Part 1: The Case Of Sekaiichi Nostalgia

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Chapter 19: Something's Off


AUTHOR'S NOTE: To get a full grasp on what my idea for this flashback is, I have inserted a video of the Sekaiichi Hatsukoi ost 1 Track 3. Please listen to it while reading the flashback scene as that's the exact music that is playing in Yash's head while narrating the flashback. Happy Reading!

I saw the white light. I could easily state that I'm feeling as if I am being sucked into a time machine. Those sweet and fond memories came flying back to me. I felt like I was an eagle released from a cage but in real life, I was the complete opposite and was a disgrace to even feel like such a brave bird.

I could see my middle school self blushing at the mere sight of Olivia who came to my cousin's house for a sleepover. And I happened to be at her house since our water pipes have blasted into a huge swimming pool in our apartment. My cheeks were as red as a beet. I lost my composure whenever we made eye contact. As a stranger listening to her beautiful voice every night from my backyard; I couldn't bring myself to even talk to her; forget about love! She didn't even know me. We did pass each other in the hallways but unlike me, she won't remember. People like that don't tend to remember.

Since my uncle and aunt were in Barkha for a conference, the three of us were home alone. The three of us slept on air mattresses on the floor. I turned my head away from the two girls as I didn't want Olivia to catch me blushing and getting all fidgety and sweaty. I closed my eyes shut tightly just so that nervousness would go away. Why would a girl like her even look at a guy like me? All I have is my brain; girls don't really like that, do they? They only look at guys who are cute and athletic. I am nothing but a dweeb who will end up alone for the rest of my life. I knew that. But that didn't stop me to feel for this girl.

Suddenly, I felt a hand running through my hair. And it wasn't my cousin because usually, she would pull my hair until a huge patch of it came out. And more importantly, that hand was tiny but comforting; fragile but warm. It was Olivia!

"Wow, you have really soft hair." She exclaimed. My head was still not facing her. How could I? My Hatsukoi is touching me! "What's your name? You haven't talked all day. Are you upset that I just dropped by without notice? I'm sorry about that. Didn't mean to intrude your time with your cousin." She asked in a questioning voice and it sounded as if she was genuinely concerned. That finally gave me the courage to talk to her. Olivia was a normal girl who cares for other people. She isn't the type of girl who is high in the sky; looking at the people below her.

I turned my head towards her. Damn it! We're too close! Just centimeters away from each other. My eyes widened at that moment. And so did hers. There was a long moment of awkward silence until I finally decided to respond, "N-No... you aren't intruding at all... I'm Yash. A pleasure to meet you."

"A pleasure to meet you too. I'm Olivia. I hope we can be friends!" She grinned as she finally removed her hand from my hair. And then the three of us spent the rest of the night laughing and talking instead of sleeping. But around 4 am the two girls passed out. I, on the other hand, was still awake. The last thing I remember from that day, was her facing me with her eyes closed while I just looked at her. I felt like ruffling her hair the way she did. But there is no way I can do that! I spent a lot of time agonizing over this until my hands automatically touched her hair. It felt involuntary. It felt like a connection that wasn't instant, but which was slowly budding............................................................

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