Special Chapter 1: Happy Birthday, Takano Masamune!

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*Hello readers! As you already read from the previous update, today, 24th December is Takano Masamune's birthday! Many many happy returns of the day! Here's a special chapter about how Takano's birthday is celebrated with all the Sekaiichi Hatsukoi and Junjou Romantica cast with the real world kids spying from the sidelines.*

*21st December*

*Narrated in Ritsu's POV*

"Okay kiddos, listen up!" I commanded after instructing Olivia to invite all of her friends from her world to my apartment. They all calmed down a few moments after I called out to them; I suppose kids from the real world aren't so rebellious as I thought they would be. "Okay, I'm sorry to say this, but since I'm meeting a lot of you for the first time, I don't really know all of your names. And in order to proceed with the purpose of this meeting, I'm gonna write your name as you tell me; how does that sound?" I said as they were intently listening to my words.

"Since when did you start acting like a calm and composed leader? Who are you and what have you done to Onodera?" Neil sarcastically remarked which only made patience level go down. I was already stressed out, that's why I called these guys for help, but they can't be of any use to me unless they start taking me seriously! I decided to keep quiet and not respond to his comment.

But then Yash had to just butt in by adding, "Neil, I think Takano just amazingly fucked Onodera to the core last night. That maddening passion in bed was heard by the high school students currently residing in this apartment. And now he got what he wanted from Takano, so his obnoxious and whiny personality has dialed down for a bit." Everyone including Olivia started laughing at my embarrassment with tears in their eyes! One kid even fell off the couch and started rolling on the floor with laughter! That's it! I'm gonna lose it! It's official! I don't hate Yash... I DESPISE HIM SO MUCH THAT HE SHOULD BURN IN HELL!

Olivia recognized the infuriating expression on my face, and I know that she could tell that I was about to explode. So she quickly suggested, "Now now! Enough of the gay jokes, okay! Ritsu has called us for a meeting here, so let's just try to be helpful and reserve our personal reactions after this meeting has been adjourned." I must say, Olivia has a natural gift when it comes to leadership skills and diplomacy.

"Since I'm already familiar with Olivia, Yash, Neil, and Insiya, let's start from the left side of the room in groups. Okay, the three of you on the couch, nice to meet you, I'm Onodera Ritsu, and you are..?"

"Hey, nice to meet you too, I'm Anand, this is my best friend Akira and this is her sister Meera." Anand introduced himself and the two ladies silently sitting beside him.

"Thank you so much, and let's move on to these two. And you guys are...?" I asked politely.

"Yo! I'm June and this is Mark! Oh and just a heads-up, he's an Fboy!" June replied as she viciously smirked.

"For the last time, I never even had a girlfriend, how can I be an Fboy, June?" He snarked back. "Just so you know, Onodera, I'm not okay. June's just messing around."

June grinned as she pulled Mark's cheeks, "Keep telling yourself that."

"Okay... moving from the Fboy topic..." I spoke with uncertainty as it was just getting too uncomfortable for me. "What about you two?" I asked the two boys sitting next to them.

"I'm Axel and this is Ethan; we're best friends." Axel briefly introduced as I wrote that down in my notes.

"Can you tell the nearest junkyard, Onodera?" Ethan asked with a vicious smile spread across his face.

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