Part 7: The Case Of Sekaiichi Domestica

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Chapter 18: Recollection Of Memories


I fluttered my sore eyes open to find Tori's letter next to me saying that he will be at work all day, so I had to manage my meals on my own. Man! Every part of my body hurts! It's a good thing that Emily called the cops last night before things got any worse. Okay, seriously! I wasn't flirting with Euadine, I was telling her something that I wouldn't even dare tell Tori because he would flip out. Euadine seemed excited about it; that's it! There is nothing more to that! I think that Palaan guy loves her or something; I don't know much about her anyway because I spent most of my time with Ryla, Phellie disappeared from the apartment, and Euadine spends her time with Tori at Marukawa and is his assistant for the duration of her stay with us until these girls go back to their world.

I also found my arms neatly wrapped in plaster, and heard someone cooking in the kitchen. I brushed my teeth and walked over to see Ryla making breakfast!

"Good morning, Chiaki!" She greeted with a warm smile on her face. She actually looks really pretty when she smiles. Most of the time, I only see her cry. She's an emotional nugget, that's what we share in common I guess.

"Morning to you too. Why are you cooking? It's supposed to be the other way around, isn't it?" I asked.

"No reason. I just felt like doing something nice for you. And more importantly, let's face it Chiaki, you can't cook." Ryla pointed out, which made me angry but I couldn't argue with her because it was true. She served me my share of bacon and eggs and took out some cereal for herself.

"Aren't you gonna eat this?" I asked.

"Thank the gods that I cooked the bacon, or else I'm not allowed to even make this. It's tradition and customs that my family follows." She answered.

"Well, thank you for going through the trouble." I smiled genuinely and started eating my food. Just as I took my first bite of that scrumptious meal, I remembered that I had to get Hatori's car washed today, since I promised to do something as I have been freeloading at his place ever since the girls showed up. "Hey, Ryla, I have to get Tori's car washed today, do you wanna come?" I asked.

For some reason that I couldn't figure out, Ryla dropped her glass of water that she was drinking which splattered across the floor! The crystals of the material through which someone can even get their hands to start bleeding were all over the place as they sparkled by reflecting the sunlight. Her eyes widened immediately after I posed the question. Her hands stayed in the same position as she dropped the glass. All that could come out of her mouth was, "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm........................................"

"Geez Ryla! What is it with you? I just asked you if you wanted to come with me for a car wash; you're acting as if I asked you out on a date!"

"Did you forget what Hatori-san told you yesterday?! Yanase-san invited you to his wedding! And you literally fell on your knees and begged him to let you borrow his car and go! Then he said that you could go if you wash his car!" Ryla answered me with her cheeks blushing for some reason yet again.

"Ohhh yeah! Now I remember! Sorry, I was punched by your teacher several times last night so I couldn't really remember anything. But that still doesn't answer my question. Why are you all flustered?" I recollected my memory and remembered the fact that she didn't answer my initial question on her behavior.

She started quivering as she stammered, "W-w-well, y-you're g-g-onna head t-to the wedding right after the carwash, r-right? S-s-so d-does that mean I-I-I a-am coming with y-you f-for t-the wed-wedding? I-isn't it a little too umm.... i-intense? Do you thin-think that Hatori-san--"

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