Part 2: The Case Of Sekaiichi Trifecta

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Chapter 13: Why is this happening?


Kirishima has left for Osaka with Anand to find himself and to figure out what he wants to do with his life. Anand needed some fresh air; away from the hustle-bustle of Tokyo, to formulate his thoughts. Though I may never show it, I really do like Kirishima's doting guardian side. Hiyori has gone for her camping trip for a month, and already two weeks have passed by. I really miss her too. Anyways, and Akira has gone to the supermarket.

(*HEX TENDON- Anand was super psyched when Hex came into the anime world

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(*HEX TENDON- Anand was super psyched when Hex came into the anime world. He loved cats so much that he decided to adopt him for the duration of his stay with us. Normally, I would refuse to keep another cat in the house, but since Hex literally scratched Ritsu's face until blood was dripping out, I felt like it wasn't so bad to keep him around. But Anand literally went crazy about having Hex at our place. And by that I mean, Anand makes a trip to the pet store every day and plays dress-up with Hex! He never did anything like that with Sorata, and I can't really tell why. The picture above is one example of how he went all out to buy several cat outfits for Hex. Although I am assuming that Hex is a man, Anand usually dresses him up in a particularly weird fashion.*)

Now, I was left alone in the apartment on my day off with Sorata and the black cat named Hex Tendon. I don't get it. Phelicia said that Hex was supposed to be human, but when he teleported to the anime world, he became a cat! I don't understand the logic behind that simulator! 

Suddenly I heard a sound of something breaking emanating from Kirishima's bedroom. It must be Hex because he's way more energetic than Sorata who in contrast is a fatass and never moves around the house. 

But my prediction that Hex broke something in Kirishima's room was wrong! A few seconds after the sound, I heard a man's voice saying, "Damn it! Now that pervy is gonna make me pay!" I was terrified at this point. My eyes widened with surprise. The only speculation I could ever come up with was that SOMEONE BROKE INTO THE APARTMENT! This building has tight security, how could someone possibly break in?! Unless the man climbed up the building all the way to the 20th floor!!!

Quickly, a young man with black hair, white shirt, torn jeans, and blue eyes walked into the living room while removing his black headphones.

While stretching his arms, he asked, "Hey Yokozawa, do you have any glue? Kirishima is gonna kill me if he found out that I was doing acrobatics." 

My eyes widened even more at the mere sight of this man. Who is he? More importantly, how the hell did he break into my house? I screamed. Real loud. So loud that the man covered his ears with an annoyed expression spread across his face.

"Yo! Relax, I'll fix it! Geez honey, you better calm down with your hissy fits." The man folded his arms and responded with an unbelievably calm smile.

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