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AUTHOR'S NOTE: As we have all waited for this special day, the real world gang has gone through all the trouble to organize a lavish wedding for the Nostalgia and Romantica Couples. This part includes seven mini stories and all of them are narrated by one of the grooms Misaki Takahashi. He explains the six problems that the real world kids had to encounter right before the ceremony. What's a wedding without Drama, right? So let's give it up for the real world kids!!!!

Today is my special day. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would have this perfect moment... with a man... However, it's kind of a relief for me that I am not the only man getting married to a man. Even Onodera-san is. I had no idea that he was gay. Wait no, I think he can be bi too. Other than the age difference, I think we do have a lot in common. I honestly can't wait to see the look on his face right now, when I walk down the aisle with Axel, and simultaneously he walks with the twins on either side. These kids specifically told everyone that they are doing every single thing and the only thing the families must do is sit and watch quietly. They were also given permission to cry. It's almost time. Have you noticed both the Ds in the word WEDDING? Well, if there is no disaster or drama in a wedding, you might as well remove the Ds out of the word. What's a wedding without some of that?

"Onodera-san?!" I came running and barged into his dressing room.

"Misaki-kun? What happened?" He asked as he flinched and unconsiously threw the paper that he was reading on the floor. He was all ready in a white tux. Well, Takano is not going to be able to control himself once he sees him. But hey! The same is going to happen to me! I look pretty hot if I say so myself. And even with normal clothes, Usagi-san is on me all the time. I then looked down on the paper and saw what Onodera-san was reading.


Wedding Planners: Olivia Beckons, Ryla Hussman, Ethan Cooper, and Axel Martin

Limousine Drivers: Neil Liu (for Takano & Onodera), and Akira Rai (for Takahashi & Usami)

Photographers: David D'Souza (for Takano & Onodera), and Madhav Krish (for Takahashi & Usami)

Ritsu Onodera's best women: Olivia Beckons & Ryla Hussman

Takano's best man: Yash Thapar

Misaki Takahashi's best man: Axel Martin

Akihiko Usami's best man: Ethan Cooper

Caterers: Emily Catherine, Euadine Marie, Maya Runge, and Insiya Fowler (along with the hotel staff)

Flower girls: Meera Rai & Hiyori Kirishima (someone needs to take them outside during the 'I do' part)

Ministers: Anand Sahni (for Takano & Onodera), and Phelicia Lei (for Takahashi & Usami)

It was incredibly thoughtful for these kids to go out of their way to do all this for us. I don't know what did we ever do for them, but they are precious gems for us. So what if they asked us for money? I mean, we didn't even look into the bookings, and they reduced the cost as much as they could by helping out in almost all the departments. There were a number of problems that I witnessed as a mere spectator, but the kids handled it amazingly well. I actually rushed here to tell Onodera-san about this and bring to his attention that taking in these kids and treating them as our own was the right choice after all.

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