Part 4: The Case Of Junjou Romantica

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Chapter 28: The Day I Become A Man!


Another peaceful day in the anime gay world with the birds chirping outside and the bright sunlight shining through the windows, Ethan is on the phone with Madhav and I'm on the phone with Phellie. We were happily engrossed in our respective conversations. Phellie was telling me about this amazing trip she went to alone! I was wildly impressed! She went alone all and swam the largest river in the country! I mean, as much as she has gone crazy to even go to such lengths to do that, I must say, it is quite the accomplishment. After we were done, I disconnected the call and so did Ethan.

Ethan squealed, "Do you know that Madhav saw Kamijou's poop in the toilet this morning!? What an epic way to start the day, don't you think!"

I was appalled by that comment. Really. YUCK! I don't want to hear that after the amazing conversation I had with Phellie. I yelled in disgust, "How are you and I even friends?!"

Ethan placed an arm around and me and responded, "I wonder that every single day and I still haven't found the answer."

Suddenly, Misaki came brisking out of his room in a suit and came running down the stairs. He was pacing up and down getting all nervous and fidgeting with his hands. I didn't know what was going on, but I did hear him murmur words like, "What do I do?" "What do I do?" What do I do?" repeatedly.

Ethan gawked at him with his eyebrows raised and questioned, "Misaki, you're acting as if you got pregnant. Are you okay?"

Misaki whirled around and shrieked, "WHAT!? NO!!"

I agreed with Ethan and added, "Actually that might be the case. You guys last did it when Usami-sensei apologized and I'm pretty sure I heard questionable noises emanating from your room. It also looks like you gained weight. Should we get you tested?"

Misaki yelled with his face turning red from anger, "SHUT UP! THAT'S NOT THE PROBLEM!" He then took a deep breath and said after composing himself, "Sorry for raising my voice, but my brother is coming over bringing a date along with him."

"WHAT!?" Ethan and I screamed in surprise and our reflexes kicked in to make us stand on our feet.

"Yeah. Apparently I am missing out on the beautiful feeling that comes with dating. He doesn't want to talk about my living arrangements so I know that this is his way of persuading me!" Misaki said as he began pacing up and down again.

"Well yeah, you're brother is right. A woman can change a man. That's a good persuasive technique. But he messed up on only one thing." I responded.

"Yeah. Only Usami can convince you because you're gay and hopeless." Ethan added. I couldn't hold it in. That was funny. I started laughing and high-fived him.

"THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO MOCK ME!" Misaki scolded us. "Ethan! Where is your cocaine!?" He questioned in an unbelievably loud voice.

"Wait what?!" Ethan asked with his eyes widened. "Dude I don't even take drugs, what kind of a guy do you think I am!?"

I rushed towards Misaki and grabbed his shoulders. I shook him back and forth for him to snap the hell out of it! I spoke, "Look, no one is gonna kill you if you're in a relationship with Usami-sensei and not even interested in a girl! And even if you think your brother is gonna hate you and stuff, it is not going to happen. You're his little brother; first and foremost. And Usami-sensei is his best friend who has taken care of you for the past 4 years now. Trust me, it's going to go fine!"

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