Part 8: The Case Of Junjou Mistake

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*AUTHOR'S NOTE: The events from this chappter onwards happened after Takano's birthday*

Chapter 11: The Instant Welcome!


Yo! I hope you haven't forgotten me! I am the reason why this story is taking place! Actually, only a part of the story. Not to forget that we have six students (one who has brought her sister along so make that seven) from another school who is accompanied by their chaperone Dave Gibbs. So teachers have to stick together while the students have their fun... As a result of because Dave and me, the story is taking place because of our efforts to organize something like this for our students. Initially, Dave was supposed to bring his students, and I was supposed to bring my family to this anime world through the anime simulator.

But as you can see, I brought my students instead. I have been in touch with Dave ever since I pulled off some strings with the help of my buddy Andrew for anime simulator teleportation. Dave and I have been pen pals since then. But ever since we met in person, he has been bugging me why I brought 10 students (an additional two since Hex and Phelicia begged us to use the anime simulator before coming) instead of my family. He needs to take a hint: I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!

Oh... I haven't introduced myself, have I? I'm Asher Palaan, 40 years old. I am an IB English teacher at CGHS, Toronto, for the past ten years now. The twelve students (who have already reached the anime world with Dave and me who are next in line to depart for the same), have a special place in my heart.... they are my second family. I can always go to them whenever I feel troubled, and obviously, being their teacher for almost three years now, I'm confident that they feel the same for me. I love each and every one of them for their unique qualities. Let me first start off with:

Olivia Beckons: One of the top students I have ever met. She strives and works hard to her fullest potential, and is one of the few students who is not a procrastinator. However, at times, she can be really annoying and have no common sense.

Ryla Hussman: Again, another student who is almost an exact copy of Olivia in terms of personality. But unlike her, Ryla believes in astrology and karma, whereas Olivia considers the entire science as "unrealistic and bullshit," and she is introverted and lacks basic common sense.

Neil Liu: As a part of the IB program, Neil is also booksmart. Unlike other students, he can quickly predict the ending of a murder mystery by reading just one page of a book. Sometimes, I don't even know if I should take him seriously because most of the time, he's sarcastic.

June Eachen: June is an individual with a unique fashion sense. But other than that, the girl has a bright future of being a successful novelist. However, June is a classic example of a procrastinator.

Mark Sacco: I have been teaching Mark for three years now, and I really need to say this, that guy needs to learn the importance of punctuality. He always shows up late to class, but his unique sense of humor makes up my anger for his tardiness.

Maya Runge: A little on the emotional side, Maya can be very supportive when it comes to the people she cares about. But as a student, Maya demonstrates excellent public speaking skills and is an incredibly graceful ballet dancer.

Euadine Marie: Introverted at first, Euadine can be a complete rebel once she unleashes that side of her. Her singing voice is powerful, and it shakes everyone to the core. However, she is a sweetheart and often reminds me of my children.

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