Part 4: The Case Of Junjou Romantica

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Chapter 14: The Sky In The Novels


It has been a few weeks ever since Usagi slapped Ethan until blood started dripping off of his mouth. I didn't talk to Usagi ever since that happened. I didn't even cook breakfast for him. And neither have I slept on the same bed with him. Well, even though Usagi was in the wrong, to a certain extent, even I wouldn't like it if someone was doing that to him but at least I would have collected myself. But seriously, I can't help but wonder what did Ethan mean when he yelled at Usagi that he failed. The words, "YOU FAILED USAMI-SENSEI" is still lingering in my head for some reason. Although I don't know what he meant by that, it still makes me feel that it was important.

Anyways, while I was walking back to the condo after my job-training at Marukawa in the evening before the sky would become dark after the sunset, I ran into Axel! He was sitting at the bus stop with a bag full of medicines with the pharmacy sign on it, reading one of Usagi's novels. We haven't seen each other in weeks, and I was wondering if I should apologize again or at least strike another conversation with him. Well, he didn't seem angry at me, neither did Ethan because I didn't do anything wrong. While, I was contemplating all these thoughts in my head, Axel looked over to see me frozen with my hands stiff and my eyes widened.

"Hey Misaki... it's been a while. You going home?" Axel asked with a polite smile on his face. Of course he was smiling. He is the polite kid with diplomacy that every mother wants. Obviously, he must have come from a rich household.

"Y-yeah..." I stammered. I had no idea what to say to him; at all. My mind was blank. I didn't know what else to talk about except about the incident from a few weeks ago. But then I realized that I noticed the medicines beside him, so I decided to ask about that. "Why did you purchase so many medicines? Are you down with a cold or something?"

"No. These are for Ethan. After what happened, his entire mouth was swollen, so I bought some of these with the currency I had after I gave them for exchange." Axel answered with a frown on his face.

"Look Axel. I don't even know why are you friends with Ethan. But regarding the incident, I am sorry. If only I stopped Usagi--" I started to speak but then Axel interrupted me.

He said, "Ethan did that for a reason you know? Although he might look like an insensitive jerk with a bad boy reputation, he has a big heart. People keep asking us that we are polar opposites and why the hell are we friends! But guess what, Misaki. We are friends because we bring out the best in each other. I am a coward and he has courage. I have manners and he doesn't. I am shy and he is confident. I can be diplomatic and he is straightforward. Did you notice that not once did I ever say the word 'but' and said 'and' repeatedly. Why? Because these are qualities that we are born with, and we admire every small thing about each other and never attempt to change them. In fact, we help each other and our qualities complement each other which only makes us stronger. Not everyone has to be a couple. One of the strongest form of a relationship is friendship. Sometimes it can be even stronger than romantic love." Axel started a debate. I must say, that guy has the power to persuade people and change their minds. I think even I was wrong for judging Ethan like that.

"I'm sorry Axel. I shouldn't have judged your friend like that. But I have a question. What was his reason to hug me like that?" I asked Axel with my eyebrows raised.

"You will find out." Axel said again with a wide grin slowly spreading across his face.

"How?" I asked with curiosity.

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