Part 8: The Case Of Junjou Mistake

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Chapter 32: My only reason to live


I went over to Yoshino-sensei's apartment, to look for Euadine-chan. Well, as a President of Marukawa Publishing, I should have better things to do. But yet here I am, trying to solve someone else's problems. It's not like I am not going to benefit out of this. Asher-san has made my live a living hell by acting all moody and breaking my antiques by throwing them around in anger. As much as I can understand why is he angry, I will emphasize the fact that he doesn't need to break my things to solve his problems! Since he is too much of a coward to solve his problems when he is sober, and a wild beast when he is drunk, Asahina and I decided that if we want peace in the house, we have to build the foundation of the solution for him. And that's what has brought me here.

I knocked the door to see Yoshino-sensei to answer it. He asked with a smile, "Isaka-san? What are you doing here?" He then added, "Hatori has gone to work and I believe I sumbitted the manuscript early this time." He then stopped to think. He questioned, "Wait, it isn't the President's job to come and collect manuscripts, is it?"

I eradicated his confusion by saying, "Yes it isn't my job. And also you need to organize your thoughts before you speak. But that's not why I am here. I'm here to talk with Euadine-chan."

Yoshino-sensei squealed in a state of panic, "Oh! The girl hasn't even brushed her teeth ever since Palaan-san went to prison! If you're here to knock some sense into her or kidnap her, please come in!"

I entered the apartment to see Yoshino-sensei's residence for the first time. I must say that for a pretty clumsy author, he does keep it quite decent. When I set foot into Euadine-chan's room, I was shocked.

The room was not only filled with a repugnant stench, I think accidentally stepped on something really sticky and I don't want to even know what the hell it was! I decided to burn this pair of shoes as soon as I get home. My gaze landed on a pile of cheeto wrappers stacked on the other side of the room. The bed was an epic mess with half of the blanket on the bed and the rest of it lingering on the wooden floor. The bedsheet was also untucked and crumbled. The pillows also lost their covers which were used as a tissue paper for what I assume, Euadine-chan's tears and cheetos flavoring powder.

And there she was, collapsed on the floor, relatively breathless. Her hair was terribly entangled like a bush with pieces of cheetos scattered in that black nest which even a bird couldn't have made it better. As expected, her hoodie was also dirty and I'm sure that hasn't made a trip to the laundry for a long time. Her tracks were also torn apart, and I couldn't come up with any possible answer as to why and how she managed to do that.

"Yoshino-sensei? Can you please pass me three bottles of deodrant?" I asked as I extended my hand.

He quickly came over and responded while handing them to me, "Yeah, I don't think one is going to cut it."

I went removed my shoes at the entrance of the room and then tiptoes over all the questionable garbage scattered across the floor. I quickly opened one of the caps of the container and sprayed it all over the lifeless body before it could decompose further. And just like that I finished three bottles of deodrant in less than ten minutes. Well, I noticed that there are huge dark circles under her eyes. She hasn't slept in a while. And I could even make that out by the way she was snoring so loud for a petite girl. I grabbed her hoodie, dragged her out of the apartment and dumped her at the backseat of my car as I inserted the key in the ignition and drove away.


My phone started buzzing with a text from Ryuuichiro-sama saying that he has gone to Yoshino-sensei's house to bring Euadine-chan on the spot that he decided. Now it was my turn. Well, I can start to persuade him only if this Palaan could get off his stupid phone!

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