Special Chapter 3: The Courage To Accept Who I Am

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"Earth to Phellie!" Euadine shouted while slamming her hands on the table. The loud sound snapped me right back to what was currently happening right now. We were at the library. Yes, the same library where the whole Anand fiasco transpired and where the public attacked him for basically denying to accept all the typical Asian relationship rules that we follow.

"Are you okay?" Ryla asked with her eyes gleaming with concern or whatever eyes she's got after falling for Chiaki Yoshino. Seriously, she looks like one of those manga girls who is lovestruck and there's no chance of her bouncing back. Well, things turned out really good for Ryla and Chiaki. I mean, I am happy for them and all, but watching them makes me sick and there is no way I could tell her that.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied. "Umm... I'm gonna go and get a kinematics textbook. Be right back." I left the table and went over to the physics section to grab the book. A vast collection of books was in front of me. Blue, black, red, and green hard book covers were displayed in alphabetical order. The reason why I keep coming here even after considering that this place reminds me of Anand is because I love the way how these books make me feel. At the times when I feel like I'm all alone, I read them and each one makes me feel like I have thousands of friends who would never judge or betray me. Call this a cliche, but this is a part of who I am.

As my eyes were scanning the entire shelf, I found the book that I wanted. I extended my hand to grab it, only to find out that someone else took the exact same book, that I wanted. I looked over to find that a peculiar man with a beard, fat glasses, a navy hat, and a complete winter attire was holding the kinematics textbook. Well, since he looked old, I decided to take another one.

As I started to walk away, a voice called out, "So you're not gonna be feisty when someone else takes you want?" I whirled around to check if that weirdo was talking to me or to someone else.

"Excuse me?" I questioned. "I'm just being kind to you since you're an old hag. Or else I would snatch that book out of your wrinkly hands."
"Really? Do these hands look wrinkly to you?" The man said, slightly changing his voice from deep to a relatively high-pitched one. He displayed his hands. They weren't wrinkly. In fact, they had a fair complexion and were familiar. I looked into that man's eyes to see that they were filled with regret and shared the same color of the person who I just got my heart broken by. "Phellie, can we please talk outside?" He whispered. That's when I knew it. I knew who he was. I was about to scream.

But all I could do was stammer. "A—A-Anand......" Then I was about to shout at the top of my voice, "ANA—mmruph!!!" He quickly covered my mouth before I could yell out his name. He pulled me closer to him with all his force. He whispered while clenching his teeth, "If you don't keep quiet, I'm gonna get beaten up again! As it is, I have a restraining order for making a scene here!"
I whispered angrily, "Like hell I care! If you're under a restraining order then why the hell did you come here?"
He didn't respond to my question. He just dragged me outside while I stumbled and yelled "LET ME GO!" all the way outside the establishment. He let go of my hand once we reached the cement fountain with glass sculpture. I was angry. Furious. Fuming. A combination of all those words. I didn't want to hear it. I wanted to walk away. But I couldn't. Somewhere deep down I felt like this guy had something to say to me and it would be wrong if I don't give him a chance to explain himself. Whenever I'm around him, I feel like I can be the Phellie I want. The person I want to live as. Wild, adventurous, optimistic, badass, confident, and a psychopathic tomboy. However, as a part of a typical Asian society, I am compelled to behave like 'a sophisticated lady.' I thought that my future was decided for me and I didn't have to sweat about it. But when I first talked to this guy, my life changed by a complete 180 degrees.

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