Part 5: The Case Of Junjou Egoist

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Chapter 24: The Kamijou-Kusama love style


Wow, man! That was one hell of an adventure! Seriously, hats off to Olivia. I am proud to call her my best friend. I didn't know that she was thinking about all that stuff on her way to Osaka. That explains why she was remarkably silent throughout the train ride. I was wondering about it since being quiet was totally against her nature. Well, seeing her proposing to Takano-San on Onodera-san's behalf, made me realize that I must confess my feelings to a certain someone as well.

Even after considering that the certain someone is loud, too sensitive, would scream in my ears for every little thing, tried to cut ties off with my friends, and hit me with a pillow every time I say something mean, I still love her. I still want to hold her. I still want her to warm my heart which has frozen to an unbreakable cube of ice because of all the rejections over the years.

But for now, it's four in the morning. I need to find a way to sneak back into the apartment without waking anybody up. I just hope they didn't realize that I was gone this entire time. If they did, Maya wouldn't care, Nowaki will be angry but I can calm him down, but Kamijou.........

AHHH!!!! I AM TOO SCARED TO DEAL WITH HIM!!!! As much as I have back answered the guy, I'm afraid that this time I have no answer to give him for being out so late. There's no way I can tell him that I was in Osaka going down the chimney of the Hybrid child creator. There's no way they would buy that! Forget them. No one sane will buy that!

Well, the apartment is obviously gonna be locked so I can't sneak in. I guess I'll just tell them that I couldn't sleep and I went out for a walk. As simple as that. They will be mad but at least I get to keep the Osaka trip a secret.

As soon as I arrived in front of the apartment and was just about to knock the door, the door went flying open and Maya came running out and fell on top of me!!! Okay, seriously. I imagined something like this with her several times in my dreams; not gonna lie. But at least I hope that I rang the bell to make it look less creepy. However, that doesn't make me any less happy that this is happening.

Her eyes met mine as she groaned in pain. My eyes were widened like an idiot who was startled. She immediately got off of me and screamed, "What the hell?! Do you know how much I— I mean, Kamijou-San and Kusama-San have been worried sick about you?!"

At that moment, Kamijou and Nowaki rushed out of the apartment to see Maya lashing out at me and I am just standing there quietly with my eyes widened thinking about something totally unrelated.

"Madhav? Where were you?" Nowaki asked in apprehension as he pulled me into a firm embrace.

I snapped out of my thoughts to see Kamijou staring at me angrily but not saying a single word. "I Umm... couldn't sleep so... I went out for a walk." I answered as Nowaki pulled away, still wearing the worried look on his face.

"LIAR! You weren't there in the apartment since the day started! I saw you leave! How can you just lie like that?!" Maya shouted as she stomped her way back to the apartment.

"What are you, my wife?!" I yelled back at her. I mean, seriously! She's so annoying! Why can't she accept the fact that she was worried about me too instead of calling me a liar!? "You're the liar here! Why did you lie to me saying that my friends cut off ties with me?!" I added in an unbelievably loud voice.

"Guys, please calm down. You're gonna wake up the neighbors!" Nowaki politely asked us to calm down.


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