Part 2: The Case Of Sekaiichi Trifecta

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Chapter 30.2: Happy Birthday Meera!


I was at Yokozawa Oniichan's friend Takano Oniichan's place where Neil Oniichan was babysitting me. I refuse to admit that Takano Oniichan is Yokozawa Oniichan's best friend because papa is his best friend and they have much more fun together! Anyways, Neil Oniichan usually plays with me and we watch our favorite cartoon together but today he is acting a bit strange. I don't know what was he staring at from the balcony. The view of the city maybe. But he lives here so he must see that everyday, it could only mean that he is upset about something.

I joined him there and asked, "You seem upset. Are you okay, Neil Oniichan?"

"No. I'm fine. He said and became quiet immediately after that. He continued as the wind blew in our direction, "Fond memories with someone you love shouldn't just be reflected upon. It needs to be the foundation of building new ones to enrich your life. I've had one moment; just one moment that I want to remember even after my untimely death, but I'm so afraid to make new ones because I don't want to tarnish what I already have."

"That sounds cool. What does that mean?" I asked as I didn't understand a word what he just said. I mean, I know that words and all but it's just that none of what he said made sense to me. But I do know that he's upset about something and I'm too young to do anything about it. The best idea I could come up with is to take his mind off of it.

"Neil Oniichan? Do you want to go out somewhere? I'm sure it'll make you feel better. I don't want to see you sad like this." I said.

"Sorry for making you worry about me." He said as he turned around to look at me. "So, tell me some place where you want to go. I'll take you there."

"I wanna go to the store to buy a new doll! Since my exam is over, papa said that I could buy one!" I said with a huge smile on my face. I mean, I really wanted a doll for a long time and papa would keep holding it off.

Neil Oniichan nodded and responded with his hand on my head, "Okay then. Let's go."


We arrived at the store to see a few people there, out of which I managed to spot Olivia Onēsan and Insiya Onēsan. It looked like as if Insiya Onēsan was trying to put a cap on Olivia Onēsan's head but her head was too big for it. Olivia Onēsan gave up and threw the cap across the shop angrily. Neil Oniichan caught it with one hand! I was impressed!

"This is a toy store. What are you guys doing here?" Neil Oniichan asked as we approached them.

"Meera is turning four on Thursday. Yash told me about it so I wanted to give her a present. I don't know why but I want to and I don't wanna hear any questions about that!" Olivia Onēsan responded.

"Oh hi Hiyori! You've come to empty Neil's pockets?" Insiya Onēsan asked me with a smile.

"Oh! I wanted a new doll since my exams are over." I answered politely.

"It's Meera's birthday?! Why didn't anyone tell me?!" Neil Oniichan began to freak out.

"Dude chill. Since when you you interested in parties." Insiya Onēsan asked as she folded her arms.

Olivia Onēsan added, "Yeah man! Even back at CGHS, you never allowed us to celebrate your birthday. You always said that it's for juveniles." I didn't know what the word 'juvenile' meant but I was shocked to find out that Neil Oniichan doesn't like to celebrate his birthday. When Yokozawa Oniichan did the same thing. So once you become adults, you suddenly stop celebrating your birthday? That's not fair. I'm never going to do that. I want all my birthdays to be with cake, friends, presents, and most of all, family.

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