Part 1: The Case Of Sekaiichi Nostalgia

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Chapter 30: My Answer And The Aftermath


The atmosphere had its similarities, but it also had striking differences. Everyone has the prevailing attitude that things are difficult for the people who confess or propose, whereas the person who is on the other end of the spectrum can say anything and is actually at the advantageous position. Guess what? It is more terrfying being confessed to. Especially when you have something to convey to the other person as well. We have to think a lot about our response because it is going to change our lives forever.

This school terrace brings back a lot of memories. This is where I met him. It is all so nostalgic. It is very evident that Takano has given a lot of thought into proposing me at a place like this. So, this is how Olivia felt when I 'confessed' to her? Although, it was not genuine and was a part of my plan to get her to admit her feelings, she must have felt a lot of things. I looked at Takano as I ran out of words. He is sitting down there, patiently, waiting for my answer.

After a lot of instances with him, and with these kids entering our lives... I knew that there could be only one right answer to his question.

With all the emotions overflowing in my mind and tingling throughout my body, all I could say was...


Takano immediately stood up on his feet with tears in his eyes and a genuine smile on his face. I couldn't help but feel how hard my heart is pounding. For the first time in my life, I want Takano to feel how he makes my heart race. He gently put the ring on my finger. This feel is so different than that of a bandaid that he once wrapped around my finger and said that it had a special meaning. It does have a special meaning. But in this instance, the meaning is more clear and it shows more commitment. A bandaid does wear off eventually, but a ring remains forever.

He pulled me into a warm and firm embrace. As his arms wrapped around me,  felt a sense of security that I normally don't feel whenever I'm with someone else. As much as I found the idea of two guys being together weird, I knew that whenever I am with Takano, I feel right. My heart becomes lighter and I don't have any harbored feelings inside me.

"We're on school grounds so don't get carried away!" A voice suddenly called out. We whirled around to see Yash standing behind the wall all this time! I had absolutely no clue that he was listening to whatever was happening this entire time!

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I yelled as I was so frustrated at him for spying on us like that!

"Whoa whoa easy man! After all the trouble we went through for you to get the perfect proposal, is this how you talk to your fiancee's best man?" Yash responded with a crooked smile and folded his arms.

"He's right Ritsu. The kids went through a lot of trouble to do this for us." Takano responded with a wide grin spread across his face as he ackowledged him. "One warning. Do not go against anything the twins say, you will get yourself killed before the wedding."

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