Part 10: The Case Of The Junjou Battle- Phase 2

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Chapter 22.2: Olivia VS. Ijuuin-Obachan


"Okay, before I start sharing the details of whatever transpired back there, I need to make this clear; reserve your judgments until and after I finish talking!" I asserted as I took one of the cushions on the couch and clung onto it.

"Umm... Oli, that pillow is about to explode with fluff if you don't stop sucking the life outta that thing." Ryla pointed out as she took her place on the dining table which was adjacently located to the couch.

"Come on Olivia, it can't be that bad......" Ritsu started to console me but he was so wrong! So so wrong! I mean, yeah, I am fortunate to be alive and not injured and all. Whatever happened at the mall wasn't all sunshine and rainbows! If my kids someday ask me about my family.... that is gonna be one messed up story. Not to mention that this is no way how a kid should meet his grandmother!

"I'll prove you wrong, young man!" I yelled and pointed at him. And finally tore off that pillow I was holding onto.

"Umm... t-t-that was Takano's but okay I'll pay for it..." Ritsu said in a whisper so that I wouldn't switch to mafia mode and then give him one hell of a time.

I took three deep breaths and closed my eyes to calm myself down. Maybe after you hear this story, you guys may think okay this girl is making a huge deal out of nothing. But there is nothing worse than trying to show compassion to your so-called grandmother even if she's trying to kill you for mother's money.

"Alright. Now that I'm feeling better, I'll tell you what happened. The story has two parts: the encounter and the apocalypse of my eyes." I said after drinking a glass of cold water to calm my nerves.

"Why is there an apocalypse?" Ryla asked.
"Listen to your elders without any questions Ryla!" I screamed.
"What? I came out ten minutes after you!" She snapped back at me.
"WILL YOU GUYS JUST ZIP IT!?" Ritsu screeched and slammed his hands on the table; losing his patience. "Olivia; will you please continue? And Ryla; as she said, SHUT UP!" He said.


As we split our ways, I remained on the ground floor and started looking there since I didn't want to deal with June or Hex since those bastards betrayed me! (who probably went upstairs since my peripheral vision caught them taking the stairs)

The corridors were empty. No soul was found in the individual shops or the grocery section. I thought of taking a bathroom break and then resume on finding the whore. When I went into the restroom, I found a black old lady washing her hands. I was surprised that she didn't run away from the establishment after the bomb blast.

Well, I didn't have the time to gawk at her so I just brushed past her and made my way to the nearest stall. But before I could go there to void my bladder, she called out, "So you're just gonna ignore your granny; now that's just rude sweetie!"

I whirled around in surprise and scanned her from top to bottom with my eyes widened. "Nice joke lady! I don't have the time to deal with old strangers giving me candy okay! I'm not eight!" I said.

"I am Kyo's mother which makes me your grandmother; I thought you were smarter than this!" She responded in a relatively high pitched voice which kept resounding in my eardrums for some reason.

All that could come out of my mouth was, "Please! My grandmother cannot be a BLACK DWARF!" That right there; was the biggest mistake I made because that started the smackdown where I knew my strongest weapon (my heart) will actually make me lose.

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