Ep:1 [At School]

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"You dare cause any trouble today Kim Y/N." Jisoo commanded as you gave your usual blank, bored expression.

Like I care! You thought.

You were busy thinking of what mischief to do today. You were you and no matter how hard Jisoo tried, she never succeeded to stop you from doing mischieves.

Afterall, you were Kim Y/n. You were an epitome of notorious and you were known as the mood-maker of your home.

"Are you listening or not?" She spoke again, finally grabbing your attention.

You lazily averted your gaze from your phone to her face. "Fine. Fine. I won't." You said groaning slightly.

An unsure look was seen on her face, yet she said, "Make sure to be good today." She sighed as you both parted ways to your respective classes.

You were in 2nd year of high school while Jisoo was in 5th. She was three years older to you but pretended to be your mother. Of course, you liked it. She mattered to you a lot, and you personally loved when Jisoo would turn strict.

You were walking down the hallway to your locker, with whispers surrounding you since you were famous, mostly because of your mischiefs. A few nasty boys gave you randy winks, but you could never care any less about it.

Not long enough on walking alone, you felt an arm on your shoulder.

"Wattup pumpkin." The deep voice spoke from your left.

"Nothing Taehyung. Just thinking of what mischief to do today." You replied, a sly smirk on your lips.

"Hehe, Jisoo noona didn't warn you today or what?" He asked, chuckling slightly, his ears turning pink.

He liked you sister, but never had the guts to tell you since he thought that you would whoop him up worse than ever. But you k ew about it nonetheless. And you liked teasing him at times. And that naive little Taehyung, never figured out that you had good knowledge of his little attraction towards your sister.

"Of course she did. But it's not like I'm gonna listen." You said smirking evil-ly at Taehyung.

"Well, whatever you do, tell me because I wanna give in too." Taehyung winked.

"Yeah, alright." You nodded. "I'm planning of something better today, something we've never done." You said, thoughtfully.


It was 20 minutes past class started and the only thing going on in class at the moment was the subject itself— Math. Taehyung was sleeping and you were doodling.

Nothing but boredom filled you up and you were now waiting from your gut for something cool to happen.

And it just so did.


The door opened revealing 'THE FLOWER BOY' of the school.

Your eyes automatically darkened upon seeing that loathsome figure. You posture went from leaning on the desk, to sitting upright. A sudden rage started to build inside you and the collection of your curses were getting bigger and bigger.

Jeon Jungkook, a typical moron.

The guy you hated the most.

"You're late Jungkook. Do you have a reason for it?" The teacher spoke to the idiot standing at the door.

"Well, I'm late since I was sleeping and according to me, sleeping is much better than attending school. Now if you're satisfied, I'm gonna go sit." He said as he gazed across the class.

A whisper-like curse escaped your mouth, upon hearing his irksome voice. Especially that bratty tone he cut off while talking to the teacher, a typical knob-head.

His eyes stopped at one seat. It was next to yours. The only seat left. He rolled his eyes in annoyance before looking back at you. He didn't want to sit their as much your gut did, but compulsion was what marked it's presence in the classroom.

He frowned before making his way to the seat.

Just before he was about to place his irritating butt on the chair next to yours, the teacher spoke," That's not a very satisfying and polite answer Jungkook."

Thank you!

"Then that's your problem. Deal with it." He said, dropping himself on the seat next to yours.

Your eyes immediately turned towards a sleeping Taehyung — who sat by the window.

He had to sit far today?!


//At Lunch//

"Oh Lord, please kill him! Torture him! Make him suffer! Please Lord. Do this for me!" You said as you took a sip of your cappuccino.

"Uh...who are you talking about Y/n?" Taehyung asked since you were practically cursing Jungkook since the time you came out of Math class.

"That stupid, idiotic, irritating, dumb, self-obsessed 'Jeon Jerkook'." You replied, the fury inside you doing nothing but getting bigger and bigger.

"You really do hate him don't you?" Taehyung spoke with a sigh, stuffing a cupcake into his mouth.

"You're literally asking me that?! I hate him from the North Pole to the South Pole. Infact, if I could, I would kill him with my bare hands." You grunted in anger, looking at your hands.

An angry huff made you slam you back on the chair you were sitting on.

"Okay miss. I got my answer" Taehyung said, this time with a smile.

That smile.

His smile soothed you down, your rage going down inchmeal.

"Hey, Tae, you wanted to do some mischief right? How about this time, we go for the flower boy? Jeon Jungkook. He'll be a nice target!" You gave a devilish smirk.

"You and your genius brain. I'm in." He said smirking, showing how much he liked the idea.

You both had taken pies for lunch. Both of you aimed your pies at Jungkook's head and threw it with full confidence that it would hit the right target, and it so happened.

"What the heck in hell is this?! Who dared to do this?! " The jerk spoke fuming in anger.

"We did it." Taehyung and you spoke in sync, but soft enough for no one to hear you.

To Be Continued....

The first few chapters will seem very basic and boring, that is mainly because I'm a new writer and I am not very experienced. Not everyone is brilliant at the starting.

PLEASE KEEP READING because you have my word that the story will get better with time. I sincerely promise.

Regardless of the basic writing style, I hope you keep reading and do vote if liked it and leave your comments on how you felt about the chapters of this book.
❤️ DreamTimeBTS.

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