Ep:30 [Park Jimin- The Annoying]

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Sunday morning! What a perfect day to do nothing!

You rolled to the side of your bed, covering your messed up face with a pillow. Within milliseconds, you were sleeping again.

But does life really let you be happy? Well, in your case, it was no.

The pleasant ringing of the alarm made you lazily open your eyes. (Honestly, I don't know why I wrote this)

"Argh!" You groaned under your bed.

Throwing a cushion at the alarm clock, you very lazily got up. You went to the bathroom with a galumph. Your eyes were still half closed due to the undying sleepiness.

Your hands searched the doorknob. Exploring every part of the door, your hands tried to figure out the location of the doorknob, but failed, making you to properly open your eyes, fighting the sleepiness.

You twisted the doorknob and entered the bathroom. The day was going bad. First few minutes of the day and already messed up.

Finally, you were able to open your eyes without any hesitation and problem once the cold water splashed against the skin of your face.

You came out of the bathroom, greeted by your bedroom. Things were haphazardly placed and right now you felt like the most unsystematic person on earth.

"Aish!" You left out a huff.

First you picked up the cushion that was on top of the fallen alarm clock. Then kept the alarm clock on the nightstand.

You looked at your bed.

What a mess!

Groaning slightly, you started folding the blanket slowly.

Your face right now, seemed as if you were a little child and your mother punished you for a mischief you did.

"Woah, what's with the face?"

"What the f-" You turned around, covering your mouth.

He smirked. "You have a nice vocabulary." He said.

"What is it?" You squinted towards him. "I came to meet my wife. Can't u do that?" He leaned on the door, closing it behind his back.

Red tint was seen on you cheeks which made his smirk grew wider. You looked away, trying to not to make your red tint much obvious.

"D-don't ruin the mood early in the morning." You change the topic.

He snorted. "Ten 'o' clock is early to you?"

You looked at the clock. Shit he's right!

You went speechless. No words coming out of you. You started to make weird faces due to the embarrassment.

"Okay, now stop making those faces before I punch you out of annoyance." Said the man who was nearing you bed.

You shot him glare, making him giggle.

"I'll help you clean up." He said as he started to straighten the bedsheet.

You stood there in silence, looking at him. You were mesmerized by his shoulder plates which moved while he worked.

"I said I'll help you, I didn't say I'll do it alone." He said turning to you.

Leaving out a chuckle, you started to work along.

Jungkook picked up the (actually neat) pile of freshly washed clothes from the side chair and took them to the closet. He opened the closet door with one hand as he kept the clothes nicely.

His eyes caught sight of something. He smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You like red huh?" He said evil-ly.

You looked at him as he turned around. At the start, you frowned but soon realised that he was standing in front of your closet which you hadn't cleaned for like ages.

Shit, I forgot to keep that in the drawer! ( Imagine what 'that' is)

Your cheeks turned red. Your lips formed a thin line and you gripped the cushion tighter.

So effing embarrassing!

"Pervert!" You threw the cushion at him.

It went straight, hitting him on the face.

"Ouch!" He rubbed his nose.

You started laughing at your success. You stopped working, trying to hold back your laughter. The man smirked, walking towards you.

"How dare you throw the cushion at me?" He said in a deep, intimidating voice.

"I dared so." You smirked.

The answer seemed to impress Jungkook. His smirk grew wider. He stepped even closer making your cheeks turn deep red.

"You're getting punished for talking back, wifey." He said, deepening his voice.

Before you could react, you already found yourself on the bed with Jungkook on top of you.

Yet again, before you could react, he started tickling you.

"S-stop." You said between the laughter.

He continued. You kept twisting and turning, trying to avoid the tickling but failed since he was much stronger than you.

"Ya-yah! Stop! P-please.." you said again.

He smirked on seeing this condition of yours. "I told you you'll get punished." He said.

And for the first time, life helped you.

The bell rang, causing Jungkook to groan. He finally stopped (unwillingly) and let you go, lumbering behind you.

You went down, properly tying your ponytail. You opened the door.

Your eyes widened and you stopped functioning. The same happened to Jungkook.

"Hi Y/n." The man smiled standing on the other side of the door.

You moved aside, letting him into the house.

"What are you doing here, hyung?" Jungkook said, shocked.

"I'm here for work. I'll be staying for a week. You don't mind right?" Said Jimin sitting on the couch.

"Of course not! Why would we mind?" You smiled.

Jungkook's look very well said that he was pissed off by his cousin's sudden appearance. You were annoyed too, because this was very unexpected, but now that he was here, all you could do, was be a good host.

To Be Continued-

Ahh! This chapter was so trashy! I feel like hitting myself for writing such a pathetic chapter! Sorry.

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