Ep:25 [Holiday]

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Can't all this just stop?! Jungkook thought.

He faked a smile as he said, "Sure. We'll be there."

Waving his hand, he bid his bye to his cousin.

Shutting the door furiously, he turned around as he crossed his arms. He kept twisting his lips showing how angry he was at the news he just got.

"You have got to be kidding me!" He frowned.

"Beg pardon?" You asked, confused.

"You heard them didn't you?" He asked as he went towards the couch and dropped himself on it.

"I did."

"What's their problem?! Can't they just leave me in peace?!" He groaned.

"You in peace? We're both involved in it." You scoffed.

He turned at you. His face expressing vexation.

"It can't be that bad." You leaned on the kitchen island.

"It is bad. Very bad. How long do we have to fake our so called ‘relationship’?" He groaned again.

"We wouldn't have to if it wasn't for that stupid policy of not getting married before 23." You went to your room, leaving Jungkook with a poker face.

//At The Destination//

Here you were, at a family gathering. With all of Jungkook's cousins and relatives.

God how many are they? You thought.

Staring blankly at the crowd you leave out a sigh.

Whether it's a birthday party, a simple family gathering or any other occasion; Jungkook's family has to host it at a beach side resort.

"Here we go." Jungkook mumbled before going ahead, into the crowd of relatives.

You followed behind like a two-year old. He kept greeting and hugging random people who you assumed to be his relatives. Luckily, to your relief, attention was given to Jungkook. Since you didn't know anyone in this place, you preferred going low-key.

Not gonna mix up! Was the dominating phrase inside your head.

With every step, came a relative. One happened to be a grandpa, one a grandma, one a sister, one a brother, one an uncle, one an aunty.

Will they ever finish? You thought.


Finally after almost an hour of greetings and ‘hellos’ Jungkook and you made your way to the suite that was booked for Jungkook and you. Fortunately, it had two rooms.

Hoof! Got saved!

You went into your room. Sliding your suitcase at the side, you sat on the bed, looking outside the window. The scenery was mesmerizing and beautiful.

The view of the beach. The rays falling on the crystal clear water. People joyfully playing by the beach. A refreshing and calm feeling getting transmitted.

You were interrupted by a knock on the door. You turned around to see who it was.

"May I?" Jungkook asked, seeking permission to enter the room.


"You like the view it seems." He said standing next to you.

"Hmm. It's beautiful. Very captivating." You smiled.

"Like you"

You turned at him in shock.

To Be Continued-

Very very very short. I know. Please cooperate.
The next will be better.

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