Ep: 37 [Misunderstanding]

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You felt a weight on your lap and a stinging pain on the right side of your neck when you woke up the morning after.

You exercised your neck a little in order to reduce the pain, at least to the tiniest bit.

You leaned on the couch, your back pressing against the soft, fabric of the couch. You looked at your lap just to see your husband lying down on your lap like a baby.

His cheek got squished and his bangs fell on his eyelids. His lips were slightly parted and his two front teeth popped out like a bunny's. One of his hands was placed immobile on the couch while other gently held your hand. His fingers were slightly interlinked with yours sending a wave of security and love.

You slowly and gently brushed away the bangs of his hair from his eyelids. You slowly pulled out your hand from his and placed a pillow under his head as you got up from the couch to start off your day.

Just as you were about to go to the bathroom, a hand gently grabbed yours.

You looked behind to see Jungkook slowly get up and as he did, he smiled at you. His eyes were half closed and he seemed in pain. He held you with one hand while he rubbed his forehead with his other.

"I must have created a ruckus last night. Didn't I?" He asked as he stood up, still holding your hand.

Seriously, leave my hand or else I'll lose my crap!

"No. You didn't." You bluntly replied.

You gently pulled your hand away from his as you turned away and headed straight to your room. You did not want to start your day with an unnecessary fight. You knew that you were not yet prepared enough to face Jungkook and especially his ‘explanation of that incident’.

You closed the door shut as you went into the bathroom that was linked your room.


Jungkook stood there idle-ly, looking at your figure disappear. He looked at his feet as he bit his lower lip.

He knew your were still upset about what you saw that day, but he also knew he was nowhere at fault because that was not what happened earlier.

Heaving a sigh, he went straight to the bathroom.


You came out of the bathroom and headed straight to the kitchen to make breakfast.

You were halfway through the procedure when you felt someone's presence behind you and you were sure enough of who it was.

Within the next few seconds, you felt someone's face dug into your neck and wet feeling at the corner of your t-shirt.

He is... crying? Why though?

You paused for a few moments, still gripping your spatula; thinking of what you should do. You left out a sigh and continued to prepare breakfast.

"Y/n–" A muffled voice spoke. "Listen to me."

Jungkook's voice sent a million of tingling waves through you. His warm breath hit the skin of your neck like a big wave hitting a rough surface. His tears got soaked by your skin just the way a ball of cotton soaks any liquid. You could feel his lips purse into a thin line due to the proximity between the both of you which made your skins clash.

You kept down your spatula and turned off the hob as you turned around, facing him.

Jungkook was looking down, sniffing every now and then. You could see a tear roll down his cheek.

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