Ep:29 [Taking Care]

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Author POV:

She stomped into the elevator. Fuming in anger, she blew a strand of hair out of her face. Her grip on the bag of chicken wings tightened as she clenched her other fist.

How can he be so careless! She thought.

The elevator door opened with a ‘ding’ and she hastily got out of the elevator, entering the luxury hallway.

I'm going to slap for sure! She thought to herself.

She walked the endless hallway leaving out a huff of fury.

Does this hallway ever end?! She rolled her eyes.

Her shoes ticked across the floor. Her ponytail bounced with every step. Her nostrils grew big and her eyes squinted. She put her left hand into the pocket of her coat as she finally reached the door she was waiting to stand in front of.

Leaving out a heavy sigh of anger, she handed the bag of chicken wings to the slightly scared man whi was standing behind her with shock on his face upon seeing this side of hers.

He accepted the bag of chicken wings as she bent down as took out the spare keys from under the doormat.

She blew another strand behind as she unlocked the door, stepping inside. She opened her shoes towards the left as her ‘husband’ followed her, doing what she did.

She barged into his room, startling him a little.

"Y/n!" The blonde cheered on seeing her.

"DO NOT *Y/N* ME OKAY! YOU SWINE! HOW CAN YOU BE SO DAMN CARELESS?!" She yelled at the blonde.

He shifted behind and gulped as she cane and sat on his bed.

She kept fuming and her rage just increased when she saw his broken leg.

"Uhm, hi?" The blonde softly said.

She slapped him hard.

That was a good reply. Thought the man with the broken leg.

He looked up at her and noticed her her eyes getting watery. She pursed her lips and inhaled deeply trying not to let her tears fall.

Meanwhile, her husband stood like a little, hugging the bag of chicken wings, looking at the two, awkwardly.

"What happened?" Asked the blonde.

"How could you get into an accident Kim Taehyung?!" She snapped at him as her tears finally flowed.

"Aigoo~" Taehyung smiled at her.

"I'm fine. It's nothing. I'll be fine within two weeks." He assured her as she wiped her tears, sniffing.

She finally smiled when something caught her eyes, making her frown again.

"What now?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows.

"You're working?" She looked at him in disbelief.

"That's my only source of income, so yes." He replied nonchalantly.


"Honey, I knew I didn't have a brain the day I became friends with you." Taehyung placed his hand on her shoulder, gaining a slap on his shoulder.

"Crackpot." She said chuckling.

Jungkook POV:

I stood there– confused and scared. I was confused I don't know why, but I can say that I was scared because I had never seen this side of Y/n before. I was shocked to see her blasted into Taehyung's room so angrily; not to forget– the tight slap she gave him.

I was so taken by the two, I never noticed that I had actually ripped of the top of the paper bag of the chicken wings because I was clenching so hard.

"Um, Jungkook, you can have the chicken wings of you want. I don't need it." Taehyung said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I wasn't clenching it because I wanted to eat it. It was for a completely different reason!

I looked at the bag of chicken wings and as I looked up, I met Y/n's eyes. It was transmitting, fury?

Why is she angry at me?

I furrowed my eyebrows at her when it clicked my mind.

It's for Taehyung!

"Um, here you go. We bought this for you." I handed the bag to Taehyung.

He took it from at awkwardly stared at the part which I had torn due to the jealousy that building inside me.

"Did you have dinner?" Y/n asked Taehyung.

He shook his head as he took out the box of chicken wings.

"Take care of yourself. DO NOT WORK! I'm giving you a paid leave for two weeks, I'll extend it if needed. Take rest. I'll come every day." Y/n smiled.

"Every day?" Taehyung looked at her with wide eyes.

"Yes why?"

"I'm not getting peace for two weeks then." Taehyung left out a dramatic sigh. Y/n slapped his hand, causing both of them to giggle.


Jungkook's face dropped as he stared at the two people goofing around with each other. His tongue pushed his cheek and he crossed his arms over his chest.

His tuxedo tightened around his biceps. He brushed his hair behind at kept looking at the his wife.

You noticed Jungkook's expression and you could very well say he wasn't feeling comfortable at the moment.

Taehyung smirked at you secretly as a hint of red tint rushed up to your cheeks. You glared at him and he stopped.

Jungkook looked at his watch and he shifted his weight from one leg to another.

10: 35pm. I think she's sleeping here tonight.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Take care." You said getting up from Taehyung's bed and facing Jungkook.

"Shall we?" You looked at your husband.

You were about to leave when Taehyung called out to you.

"Thank you, Jeon Y/n."

You didn't know why, but blood rushed up to your cheeks when he addressed you with Jungkook's last name.

Jungkook had the same expression as you. His cheeks were deep red.

You headed out of his apartment and he smirked.

It's going to get on soon. He thought.


Since that day, you visited Taehyung everyday. You used to take early dismissals from office to go meet Taehyung. Every day was a day of treat for him. You would buy him various foods to cheer him up.

Jungkook and Taehyung became friends too.

Jungkook once took a leave just to play overwatch with Taehyung.

You would watch them play like seven year kids– goofing and playing.

Unknowingly, a smile would make its way to your lips watching them together. But soon it would fade away when you'd think about Jungkook's feelings.

Almost one year to the marriage, and still no progress. You hopes had died with time and now you knew that this marriage was just a mere token of law. Or rather– a way to increase business.

To Be Continued-

How long did I take?

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