Ep:27 [Jungkook's Jealousy]

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You woke up early next morning. Not knowing what to do, you decided to go to the beach after freshening up.


Jungkook woke up due to sharp sunrays hitting his face. He stretched his arms and rolled to the other side to check the time.

He got off his bed with messy hair, eyes still half closed. He freshened up and went downstairs. He made himself some coffee and went to the balcony. While sipping his coffee, he spotted a familiar figure on the beach. It was you. With a man.

"Huh?" He mumbled to himself.

He saw you heading back to the hotel so he decided to go back inside.

After finishing his coffee, he sat on the couch, reading on of the business magazines.

After a couple of minutes, you came in smiling. You saw Jungkook sitting on the couch.

"Oh, you woke up?"

"No, I'm still sleeping." He replied sarcastically.

You rolled your eyes and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

After drinking, you came back and sat on the other end of the couch, reading a fashion magazine.

Jungkook decided to break the silence.

"Where were you?"

"At the beach."


"I went there alone but I met Sehun over there so technically, no."

He kept the magazine on the table.




You got up and and followed him.


Upon reaching the restaurant, Jungkook and you sat on a table. You this time, sat on Jungkook's left, next to him.

He grabbed a plate and brought his food. Three-four pieces of bread and two boiled eggs with two small packs of butter. He came back and still saw you sitting IDOL. (Heck yeah! I wrote it)

"Not gonna have anything?" He asked. "Uhm, I'll have some croissants. Let me go get them." You replied. Before you could get up, Jungkook set on his journey to the section with croissants. Your eyes widened, you were shocked to see him get food for you.

He returned with a plate full of croissants and sausages. He kept it in front of you and said, "Here, have it."

You were shocked. You looked at him, endlessly.

"You're supposed to eat the croissants, not me." He said making you smile a little. You started eating. After a while, Sehun appeared.

"Do you mind?" He asked holding the chair placed parallel to Jungkook.

Jungkook fired up at his presence. He pursed his lips and his nostrils puffed up. His tongue pushed his cheek. He flicked his hair as he tried to calm down by looking away.

"Of course not. We don't mind." You said which just increased Jungkook's outrage.

Excuse me? I do mind. Jungkook thought.

Sehun sat down, smirking at Jungkook. "Oh I'll get my food." He said as he went to get his breakfast.

"Moron!" Jungkook cursed under his breath.

Sehun came back with two pieces of bread and a few sausages. He sat down and started talking to you.

You found him funny and interesting. He talked a lot, but none of it was boring.

Meanwhile, Jungkook sat there, glaring at Sehun-who had all your attention.

Jungkook picked up the butter knife as he opened one of the packs of butter. He scooped a little butter in the knife and tightened his grip on the knife. He pressed the knife on the bread and applied the butter slowly while his eyes were still glued on Sehun.

He slowly brought up the bread to his mouth, munching it loudly. He kept glaring at Sehun.

"You're amazing!" You said between your laughter.

What?! Did she forget she's next to her husband? Jungkook thought.

"Oh, Jungkook, can you butter my toast too?" Sehun asked innocently.


"Sure." Jungkook snatched the piece of bread as Sehun started talking to you again.

As Jungkook started to apply the butter, he spotted a sachet of hot sauce.

He smirked as an idea popped up in his head.

You want your butter, I'll give it to you.

Jungkook sneakily applied some hit sauce on the bread as he covered with another piece of bread.

"Here you go." He handed Sehun the so called 'sandwhich'.

Sehun took a bite and widened his eyes. He ran to washroom.

Haha! Gotcha fool! Smirked Jungkook.

You looked at Sehun's bread.

"You put hot sauce in his bread?" You looked at Jungkook. "So what? Why are you bothered?" He retorted.

You got up and went out of the restaurant. Jungkook followed.


"What's the matter with you?" He yelled as you went ahead to your room.

You ignored the statement and went straight to your room. He followed and blasted into your room, slamming you by the wall next to the door, putting both your hands on the side. He leaned in to distance where your lips almost touched.

His eyes were speaking fury and you could feel his hot breath against your skin.

"You are my wife, Y/n, and I am not letting anyone have you. You're mine."

He opened the door and went out.

To Be Continued-

Unedited Chapter.
Special shout-out to yazzys_world_haha in this this chapter.

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