Ep:12 [A Business Trip]

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The sunlight hitting the surface of your skin, a heavy sigh, leaving your pink lips.

You wake up, stretching your arms and yawning. You go to the bathroom, seeing a note being stuck on the mirror.

‘‘ Good Morning, Love ’’

You take the note and smile a bit as miniscule blood rushes up to your cheeks. You wash up, wear your office suit and go down for breakfast.

You see an unfamiliar figure, cooking breakfast.

Definitely NOT Jin.

"Excuse me?" You say as the person turns around.


"Good morning honey", he says, being conciliate. He has a small but calming smile plastered on his face. You sit on the kitchen island, watching him in awe as his works. His half-sleeve t-shirt revealing his attractive biceps. His hair fall on his forehead, bringing out his cuteness.

"Do you like pancakes?" He asks. "Yes", you answer softly. "How about syrup? Which one do you prefer?" He throws another question. "I prefer either chocolate syrup or honey on my pancakes", you reply.

"Well, luckily we have both", he says and places the pancakes in front of you while pouring both liquids on them.

You start eating the pancakes, cherishing the delicious taste of the food cooked by Jungkook. You gobble the food when Jungkook leaves out a little chuckle.

"What?" You ask him. He points at the corner of your lip. "Syrup", he says. Before you could do anything, he catches hold of your hand and leans in towards you. "Let me do it", he says before kissing you softly.

He lets go of you and says,"Sweet."


***Ring Ring***

Your eyes pop open as you recall what you just saw. What a weird dream!

"What the heck?" You say as you get off the bed and go to washroom.

You brush your teeth and get ready to go for work. You go downstairs, greeted by Jungkook sitting on the couch.

You ignore him and go to the kitchen, grabbing an apple since your kinda late. "Ehem, ehem", you hear Jungkook scoff. You turn around to see him looking at you. "What?" You say bluntly. "Come with me", he says blankly. "Why?" You ask in confusion. "Our parents are coming to meet us today, they can't get to know that we travel seperately." He replies.

"Okay", you say as you follow him.

Sliding into the black sedan, you buckle the seatbelt as Jungkook starts driving. His long slender fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly as he turns it to a different direction.

His silver plated watch stays still even though his hands move so much in order to drive.

He stops at the traffic signal; breaking the silence between you to. "I need you to sign some papers", he says. "What for?" You ask. "Their business papers. We breaking partnership with a company."

You nod in agreement and the car drives off again; making the ride silent like before.

Upon reaching the office, you got a few nasty looks from the lady employees since most of them die for Jungkook–God knows why.

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