Ep:28 [A Cute Phone Call And The Return]

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"You're my wife Y/n, and I'm not letting anyone have you. You're mine."

He went outside and closed the door.


Pick up, pick up!


"Tae!" You cheered. "What?" He asked. "You won't believe what happened yesterday!" You cheered. "If you keep shouting in my ear, I'll cut the call." He said. "Oh, sorry."

"So, speak up." He said.

You narrated him yesterday's incident like a little kid.

Starting from you getting up to meeting Sehun at the beach to Jungkook putting hot sauce in Sehun's bread to Jungkook calling you his.

Taehyung knew about your feelings towards Jungkook and you gave him a call everyday to tell him about how your day went.

"You've got to be kidding me!" He exclaimed on the other line. "I wish I was, but I'm not." You replied.

"Jungkook actually said that?" He asked again. "Yes!" You cheered.

"Aren't you a happy little girl?" He teased. "Oh shut up!"

"Shut up?" He said and you fely him raise an eyebrow on the other line.

"Anyways, how are you doing in Seoul?" You asked. "I broke my leg." He answered. "What? How?" You asked. "I got hit by a car." He replied.

You sighed heavily, "Take care, I'll be back soon." "Okay, bye." He hung up.

Just as you kept your phone, Jungkook came in. "We'll be leaving tomorrow." He said. You nodded and he left the room.


Here you were, at the airport. Sitting on the chairs in front of the boarding gate since two bloody hours because apparently Jungkook thought we'd miss the flight.

You were already steaming up with the waiting when the flight decided to play with you.

Flight no. 8B 043 going from Hawaii to Seoul is delayed by 40 mins. Thank you for your patience ”

Oh crap! You thought.

Jungkook left out a long, angry sigh. You leaned back on the chair, shutting your eyes, trying to doze off when you heard a grumble in your stomach.

The hunger sure got good timings!

Jungkook looked at you. You gave nothing but a blank look which caused him to look away.

You heard the grumble again.

Oh c'mon! Not now!

By the corner of you eye, you could see Jungkook smile lightly. A weird feeling flowed through you. You looked away as the corner of your lips rose.

Jungkook got up and said, "Come with me."


"I'll buy you some food." He said.

Your face brightened up at the sound of food. You jumped up, energy blasting inside you.

"I don't believe two minutes ago you were the one who was trying to sleep." Said your husband. You just giggled as you both to the small food shops inside the airport.

You both sat at Pizza hut since Jungkook decided to have meal, for it was going to take time for the boarding to start.

You pounced on the food on its arrival. You started eating like a small little kid– cherishing each and every bite of it. Your actions caused Jungkook to start giggling.

"What?" You said with a mouthful of food. "You look as if you haven't eaten for days." He said. You just replied by chuckling and continued eating.

"Look here." Said Jungkook as you looked up at him with a mouthful of food. He picked up tissue and wiped the corner of you mouth.


You were boarding the plane one by one with Jungkook in front of you. A man accidentally hit you causing you to bump into Jungkook. He looked back at the man and gave him a look if annoyance. Jungkook switched places with you making you stand in front of you.

The flight was quiet. No one talked, and not to forget, you fell asleep.


"Wake up sleepy head!" You heard someone shout in your ears. You flinched due to the sound. You looked at your side to see Jungkook smirking.

"Had to shout?"

"That was the only way to wake up." He said.

Well, at least I'm back home.

To Be Continued-

Unedited Chapter
Too short? I'm sorry. I'll try to make the other chapters better.

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