Ep:18 [Back Home]

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"It's in a mess." You sighed heavy as you looked at your closet. You've been on this trip for a month and your closet's in a condition where it looks as if you haven't cleaned up for ages.

"Jisoo was right about me being messy." You muttered to yourself as you started to take out all the clothes from the closet and stuff them into your suitcase.

The tracks, the shirts, the dresses, the inners, they all went in, all jumbled up in a state where no one would ever be able to find the desired cloth if they needed any.

With the collision of your cosmetics, you tossed your box of makeup into your suitcase. Right now, your suitcase looked like a dumpster. Full of unwanted things and garbage.

You went into the bathroom. You changed your clothes and stuffed the older ones in a different sect of the suitcase.

If someone looked at your suitcase, they would easily say that you were the complete opposite of sophisticated. Completely shabby.

You thought you were struggling with your luggage, but so was Jungkook.

Jungkook searched the whole of his cupboard but couldn't find one thing...

His strawberry printed underwear.

"Where on Earth is it?" Frustration took over Jungkook. He sat on his bed, with his hands mingled with his hair. He went out for a glass of water when he met you in the corridor..... holding his strawberry printed underwear.

"Um..is this your's?" You asked him holding out to him. His cheeks were a dark shade of red. Embarrassment was seen on every inch of his face. He cleared his throat. "Y-yes." Said he.

You gave it to him, holding it in between two of your fingers and face cringed in disgust. He snatched it away and busted into his room locking the door behind him.


You thought. Shrugging it off, you went where you were going- the beach. You had finished packing and now were up for some fresh air and sunshine.

Upon reaching there, you got the chance to admire the beauty of nature. The rolling waves, the bright sunshine, the sound of birds chirping. It was all refreshing to see and hear.

You walked along the shore, enjoying every touch of water and reminiscing your delightful moments. The breeze made your hair fall back. It calmed you down. The sun rays when fell on your face, gave the warmth of a mother's hug.

You went deeper into the sea as the water level rose up to your knees. You stood there in silence, enjoying the moment.

Jungkook P.O.V-

I came out of my room after packing my stuff. I went straight to Y/n's room to check on her.

I knocked on the door several times but there came no response. I contorted the doorknob; her room was open. I went inside to see it empty. It was properly sorted. Her suitcase was at the left and the bed was perfectly arranged.

I started to get worried.

Where is she?

I went out of the room. I went outside the cottage, locking it behind my back. I ran straight to the beach since that was the first place that clicked my mind.

I stopped on my track as my breathing became heavy. I looked up searching for her. There she stood, with the waves up till her knees. Her hair beautifully fell over her shoulders.

Something wasn't right with her. She had become drastically quiet since my cousin's marriage. The last time she talked with emotions was when we had the fight. Since then she has been blankly quiet. (If that makes any sense)

I went closer to her. I stood beside her, admiring her.

I hate her, but why do feel so different?

End of Jungkook P.O.V.

You heaved a sigh of relaxation and opened your eyes, admiring the beauty of the sea.

You checked the time in your watch and decided to go back to the cottage to get changed. You turned to your side, to see Jungkook.

"Why are you here?" Said the man with a little vexation. "I'm sorry, I'm going back." You said apologetically.

He nodded and you went back to the cottage.

Entering your room, you wore a simple pair of blue jeans and a red t-shirt.


You landed at the Seoul airport.

You checked your phone and saw that you had received a call from Taehyung.

You left him a message saying that you were back from the business trip.

Jungkook booked a cab and you both made your way back home.

To Be Continued-

Stupidest Chapter Ever! (I know it)
SORRY for this boring chapter but I just couldn't get anything else in mind. Excuse me please.
Wishing you a belated Merry Christmas 🎂 and an upcoming Happy New year 🎂🎉!

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