Ep: 40 [From Hatred To Love]

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This chapter is a long one. But please read it till the end!! Love y'all!
(It's also trash 😂)


It's ok Y/n, breathe.

In, out; in, out; in, out; in—

"To heck with the meditation!" You squeal.

No, no. Calm down.

It's ok.

It's not true.

It's just a stupid survey.

Just a stupid survey.

Can't be true.

Not in every case.

"But what about in my case!" You yell again.

No no. Not true.

Not true.

NOT true.



........or is it?

"Argh!" You drop yourself on the couch, gripping your hair slightly, sitting in frustration.

What in the bloody hell is happening?

Wait a minute.....


"UGH! To hell with my stupid brain!" You groaned in vex as you leaned back.

You exhaled deeply, slowly closing your eyes, as you calmed yourself down.

"Who brought home a sick polar bear!" A rough voice said from the stairs.

You turned your head towards the said man who slid down the stairs with heavy eyelids.

Jungkook rubbed his right eye, a tiny frown in his face. His bangs were poking out-wards haphazardly. His t-shirt was loose and it dropped down, revealing his collar bones.

He is hot.

You looked at the ground, furrowing. "What the hell am I thinking!" You muttered.

"What's happening?" Jungkook's deep voice asked.

"Nothing. Go freshen up." You awkwardly smiled at him.

He looked at you with a confused expression, not understanding the reason for your awkwardness.

"Need something?" You asked, trying to sound normal this time.

He shook his head in a 'no' and went back upstairs to what you assumed the bathroom.

"You bloody lack a brain Y/n!" You shouted at yourself.

"Okay, seriously! What's wrong?" A sudden voice shouted.

You flinched at the loudness and turn around.

Jungkook came down almost in a tramp. His footsteps were eager and impatient. He strode straight towards the couch and dropped himself on it.

"What is happening?" He asked, heaving a heavy sigh.

"I thought you went to freshen up?" You retorted.

"I did that when I came down earlier." He answered. "Now, if you would answer my question?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well, it's not important." You reluctantly replied.

"I'm sure it's better than looking at my wife scream like maniac, cursing herself the whole day. I don't want a growling grizzly bear in my house, you see?" He raised an eyebrow.

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