Ep:11 [Surprise]

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Jungkook sat on his chair studying some business papers when he got a call. He picked up the call without even looking at the caller-ID.

"Jeon Jungkook speaking", he spoke on the line. "What's up kookie", the voice from the other line said. Jungkook checked the caller-ID and then said,"How are you Jimin hyung?" "I'm great kookie, you?" Park Jimin, his cousin spoke. "I'm good. Just working on some papers." Jungkook replied enthusiastically.

"Listen up", his cousin said,"I'm getting married!"

"That's great. When?" Jungkook spoke. "Next month", Jimin said from the other line,"Don't forget to bring your girlfriend."



Jungkook doesn't have one... He has a wife.

"Hello? Kook, you there?"

"Oh yes.. I'll get my girlfriend.", Jungkook said. "Bye", said Jimin, "Bye."

Jungkook hung up. What now? Where will he get a girlfriend? Should he tell Y/n?


You sat there, typing on your computer, sitting in a big cabin.

After marriage, the Kim's and the Jeon's have combined their companies, and your fathers have kept Jungkook and you in charge of the dealings. Your have been given your own cabin and you have the option to choose a right hand for your help.

Well of course, you've chosen Taehyung. Jungkook on the other hand, changes his secretaries almost every week; sometimes everyday.

The telephone which was placed next to the vase on your table, started ringing. You stopped what you were doing and picked up the phone.

"Come to my office", the voice from the other side ordered. "Excuse me?" You said, demanding for a confirmation of who it was.

"Come to my office Y/n", the voice repeated.


"Why?" You said leaning back on your chair. "I need to talk. Come to my office right now Y/n." Exasperation was taking over Jungkook now. "This better be good", you said before leaving.

You kept the phone and went out of your cabin. As you walked the hall, the employees stood up to greet you. Upon reaching Jungkook's cabin, you twisted the door knob and entered.

Jungkook stood there wearing his black suit with his back facing the door. He was looking outside the gigantic window which gave a view of the skylines of the city.

"What is it?" You said breaking the quiet atmosphere.

He turned around. His suit expressing his toned abdomen muscles (abs). His hair parted towards the right showing his shiny forehead. His collar covering up half of his neck region. The red tie he wore was placed right at the center. His black shoes, ticking across the floor.

"Sit." He said as he sat on his chair and gestured you to sit on the one in front of him.

He sighed heavily. Something was bothering him. He looked uncomfortable.

"I want you to understand", he said leaving out another sigh. You hummed in response.

"I'm 22 years old right now. Our family follows a strict policy that every member of the Jeon family will get married after 23." He said.

"What about you?" You asked, a hint of curiosity being noticed in you.

He started,"I had to get married at an early age due to business problems. When our marriage got fixed, my father was facing troubles in the company. He is very good friends with your father and your father helped my father in running the business nicely. In return, my father gave the proposal of our marriage which really seemed to excite and enlighten your parents. So that's why we got married."

"Go on", you said as Jungkook heaved another sigh.

"Now, I have a cousin who is twenty-four right now. He is getting married next month." He took a pause. He looked down and left yet another sigh of mixed emotions- frustration, exasperation, embarrassment, sorrow, fury.

"So...you have to be my", yet another pause,"-girlfriend."


"WHAT?!" You exclaimed in utter shock. "Just pretend", Jungkook said miniscule amount of begging coming out of him.

You took a deep breath and then spoke. "Why can't you just tell them that you're married?"

Jungkook frowned.

"I just told about it. We have a policy and no one goes against it. So..I can't say."

"Okay, fine. For how long?" You said. "Um..about a month", he replied. "What?!" You exclaimed again. "I know it's devastating, trust me even I don't wanna go. But we have to." Jungkook spoke.

Oh boy. This is gonna be bad.

You went out of his office and into yours. Why did you agree to this? And what the heck kind of policy is that?! Seriously? Can't get married before 23?! Ugh! How confusing!

Worst part: You're Jungkook's Girlfriend!!

What an amazing surprise..

To Be Continued.....

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