Ep:6 [Forced]

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Why isn't she picking up the call?!

What's wrong with her?!

Ever since you heard Jisoo cry on the phone call, you couldn't focus on anything but her.

Her vulnerable and hurt voice hit you harder than a punch and you felt yourself falling numb after listening to her impuissant voice.

But she wouldn't respond.

She wouldn't pick up your calls, wouldn't reply to your calls, wouldn't talk to you in school. Infact, she had stopped coming to school since a week now.

Frustrated by the way Jisoo behaved, you decided to move back into your house...

The house where all the torture took place. The house where Jisoo lived. The place which would give answers to all your questions.

Your hand trembled as you clicked your dad's contact on your cellphone. The thought of him yelling at you flooded in your mind. As the ringing started, your fright increased. Every ring, bringing in fear. ‘How will he react’ was all you thought about.

The ringing stopped, signalling that your father picked up the call.

"Annyeong?" The voice from the other line spoke sending shivers and chills down your spine. Just his voice makes fear built up. That deep, husky voice that seems so sober and discipline, spits out words that are very unexpected.

"Hello?" Your father said again, this time a little louder.

"A-appa..." You finally spoke, gathering all the guts you had in yourself.

You expected him to yell at you, use slangs, curse you, but you were wrong. He was calm as the ocean. He didn't yell, didn't curse, he instead asked an unexpected question.

"How are you Y/n?" He said, sounding conciliate, as if he stopped being angry and aggressive.

"I-I'm fine appa." Were the only words that came out of your mouth.

"What's the reason for you call?" He asked again.

"I'm gonna move back in, i-if you're fine with it." You said scared of the reply.

"When?" Your father asked, curiosity in his voice. As if he was waiting for you to come back home.

"Is tomorrow fine?" You asked, seeking consent. He hummed in response, which signalled that he agreed.

Ending the call you sit on the bed of the room. Looking around, you leave out a sad sigh.

You're gonna miss this place.

You've spent 5 months here. All those small hangouts with Taehyung were beautiful.


You can do this Y/N.

It can't be bad, right?

You can do it.

With your suitcase by your side, you ring the doorbell of the enormous house, where you apparently live.

After a couple of seconds of the ‘ding-dong’, an old lady opens the door.

Auntie Soo.

That magnificent smile, soft and loving eyes, short and cute height, in short—The best woman on Earth.

She hugged you as if you were her own child, she had always treated you like one. Embracing you tightly, she welcomed you. You felt safe in her embrace. The feeling of security was deposited.

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