Ep:24 [I'll Tell You]

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Jungkook sat by the pool, dipping his feet into the water, gently kicking as he watched the ripple of the water.

You being yourself; made your way next to him. You say down, hesitant yet curious.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me, just make sure it doesn't bother you much." You said, pursing your lips. A hint abnormal sadness took over you that instant.

Jungkook remained silent. His eyes didn't leave the water; he was looking at the moon's reflection.

You were about to get up when he said, "Mina is my ex-girlfriend."

You looked at him- eyes wide, jaw dropped and as still as a statue.

What on Earth is this man talking about? Lord Jesus!

"What?" You choked.

"You remember that in the starting of 3rd year, you left school to go abroad for studies?" He asked.


"That's when Mina joined. She was a newbie and she was the spotlight of our school. Every boy liked her. Including me." He said.

"Go on." You said, falling deep into his story.

"Mina was the first girl I had liked so much. She was perfect. The way she talked, the way she smiled: she was perfect. She was in Jimin's class. A year older to me. Jimin once asked her to join us for lunch. She sat next to me. I felt like I was in heaven."

"As time passed, I became good friends with her, and my feelings grew. It was on Valentine's day, I asked her out. She accepted me. I felt tremendous happiness."

"But then, fate changed it's mind. I was about to propose her for marriage when she told me she wanted to end things. She gave me the usual- 'it's not you, it's me' excuse. And then one fine day, on the last day of Jimin's high school, Jimin came and told us he was patched up with Mina."

"I decided to confront Mina, but she told me I was young. But I was pretty sure it was because Jimin already established. He had already started working for our company and was already at a very high post. I still hadn't started to work. It was until Jimin started his own company and I was handed over ours."

"The fact that she is my brother's fiancé, is kind of unacceptable for me. But I have no other option than keeping it all to myself because no one in my family knows about my past with Mina."

You looked at him, bowling in tears.

His story explains it all- the expression of vulnerability and guilt, why he got awkward around Mina, why he hardly talked to her.

Now you understood, why he always looked pale while seeing Jimin and Mina together, why he reacted weirdly while playing the game of poker, why each time Jimin and Mina played he took a shot.

You sniffed.

"I have to live like this. I've accepted life this way." He finished with the expression of guilt and vulnerability.

"You sure you accepted life this way? Because I still spot sadness in your face." You said.

He looked at you, eyes shimmering due to the falling moonlight.

You tried to get up, but accidentally fell into the pool.

Oh boy!

"Hahaha!" Jungkook laughed hysterically.

"Yah! Stop laughing!" You said, struggling to come out of the water.

He still continued, slapping his thigh.

You twisted your lips in anger and pulled him into the water.

There was a big splash.

"Yah! How dare you!" He snapped.

A mischievous smirk formed on your face.

"I dared so." You said.

He smirked back as he splashed you with water. You did the same.

You both kept playing until you realized you had come too close with time.

You were now just inches apart.

You looked at him he returned the same gesture.

He leaned towards you, coming close. You kept staring. He reached the side of your cheek as you eyes shut simultaneously.


You felt a blow against your skin.


You opened your eyes to see him trying his best not to laugh. You frowned.

"There was a strand of hair stuck to your cheek." He said with his laughter slowly fading.

He pulled himself up and went out of the pool still giggling.

Embarrassment on top. You thought.

He took the towel kept on one of the benches and wiped his hair and contorted the bottom of his shirt so that little water dropped down.

"Need help?" He asked you- who was still standing in the pool. You nodded as he came and let out a hand at you.

You held his hand and pulled yourself up.

He gave you the towel and you wiped your hair.

You both went inside and saw Jimin and Mina sitting on the couch. "Why are you both drenched?" Jimin asked.

"We were playing in the pool." Jungkook replied.

Jimin looked at you, teasingly.

To Be Continued-

Unedited Chapter.
Made an update.

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