Ep:19 [Back Like Before]

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You enter your cabin after getting yourself a cup of coffee.

Honestly, you want to turn time back to the business trip. The way Jungkook pretended to be loving, the way he held your waist transmitting security, you wanted it all back.

You were foolish to think he was starting to sympathize. You were foolish to think that you could be on good terms with him.

He changed back to the older him as soon as he came home. He changed back to rude. He changed back to emotionless. He changed back to the ignorant Jungkook. He changed back like before.

It had been 3 months since that trip, but every part of it was memorable. The time he held your hand and told you it was all going to be alright. The time he danced with you in the dance floor. The moment where he got embarrassed upon seeing you holding his undergarment. These times drew smiles on your face, but soon flooded in the scene of the fight.

You're just like a dog who has been tamed for protection. You don't have any real value.

His words made their way into your mind. How he brought back the woeful memories. How he broke you.

You studied the draft your father had sent you. It was related to the business meetings which were going to be conducted in China. Your father and abeoji (father-in-law) had chosen you for this assignment and you were allowed to chose an assistant for it. You were stern on your decision for taking Taehyung.

You were working on some firing papers when you got a call.

"Hello?" You answered. "Y/n, it's abeoji." The voice from the other line spoke. "Yes, abeoji?" You spoke.

"For the business meeting, it's in a week. I've informed Jungkook about it. He'll be keeping a check on you. Take care." He finished.

"Yes abeoji." The call ended.

I've informed Jungkook about it, he'll be keeping a check on you.

Pfft. Like that's gonna happen.

You kept the phone and signed the papers. Now all that was left, was Jungkook to sign the firing papers.

You went out and straight to Jungkook's cabin.

You swung the door open and kept the papers in front of him as you sat on one of the chairs.

He looked at you with a frown. "Haven't heard of something called knocking?"

"Just sign the papers." You replied narcissistically. If that's what he wanted, then you gave it. If he was to be acting rude, you gave in.

He signed the papers without thinking twice because all he wanted right now, was you to get out.

You took the papers and where about to go out when his secretary came in.

Su Yunjin.

The most annoying woman on Earth. You eyed her from head to toe. She wore a tight, short pencil skirt. Her shirt was tighter than ever.

You went out and while heading to your cabin, you met Taehyung. You both greeted each other with smiles and then continued doing your own work.

With your laptop in front of you, you kept working. Since the trip was coming closer, you had to focus more on work. Your eyelids were getting heavy, but you fought back since the document you were working on, was very important.

Jungkook as usual, was sleeping peacefully, snoring and dreaming. You were so tired, your head ached, but right now, first priority was work.

You heaved a sigh of tiredness and got up to get a glass of water. After drinking, you kept the glass on kitchen slab.

"Holy Jesus!" You flinched.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" Said the man who nearly took the life out of you. "You bet Jin." You answered giggling. "What are you doing?" He sat in front of you. "I have to submit few documents. I'm working on them." You put a strand of hair behind your ear. "Why are you awake?" You questioned. "I came for a glass of water." Jin said.

You kept talking with him the whole night as he didn't go back to sleep so that you wouldn't have to stay up alone.

What a gentleman he was. Opposite of Jungkook. He stayed up late, just so you won't be alone; and that man, slept peacefully the whole night.

To Be Continued-

Unedited Chapter.
It was short. Excuse me this time. The story gets better; so plzz keep reading.

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