Ep:21 [Welcome Home?]

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Should I call him?

Will it be right to call him?

Is he doing fine?

Is everything going okay?

Questions bombarded your mind as you kept biting your lower lip, debating with your own self if you should call Taehyung or not. Even though he told you not to worry, the concerns just wouldn't leave your mind. This was an important meeting. If you could manage to get this partnership, your company would be off comparisons.

Sitting on the bed, with a band-aid on your forehead, you looked at your phone, hands itching to ring Taehyung.

"Should I or should I not?" You mumbled, trying to figure out an answer to that question.


"Nope, I'm not doing it. I'm not calling Taehyung."


"Hello?" Jungkook answered the call. "Uhuh?" "Uhuh?" "What?" "O-okay."

His eyes kept widening with the proceeding call. At this moment, he wished he died. He was extremely nervous with what he was hearing.


Just no.

Why me?

Just why?

Pacing in his rooms with his phone still touched to his ear, he kept getting nervous as every second passed by. He did not want this. He was not comfortable with their presence.

He was not comfortable with her presence.


"Making lunch?" The man asked from behind. "Yes Jin." You replied, continuing with your work. "Shouldn't I be doing this?" He pouted. Leaving out a tiny giggle you answered,"You do this all the time. Let me do it for once." "As you wish." He said as you went back to work.

Little time passed by; Jin got a call. He excused himself before taking the call.

He went to the living room; standing behind the couch he answered the call with a smile.

"Yes Hyerin?" He said. "Mr.Seokjin?" An unknown voice answered. "Your sister, is hospitalized." The voice finished.

He was shocked. He cut the line. He was traumatized. He stood there like a statue until he got his senses back.

After the great setback, his sister was the only thing he had.

Just after high school, his parents met a car accident where he lost them. He fell under pressure with the company and business affairs. Without his parents, he wasn't able to take care of the company. He couldn't tell his sister either, she was just a 15 year old that time.

But now, they were both older and while his sister took charge of the company, Jin insisted to work for Jungkook. But that never meant he was actually considered a servant. Mr and Mrs Jeon always treated him like their own son.

And right now, the news of his sister being weak broke him down.

He came back with a pale face when you were shifting all the food into the proper containers.

"What happened?" You asked, concerned. "My sister got into an accident." He replied looking down.

Your eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry. You need to take care of her. Take a leave." You said. "You sure?" He asked. "Yes. Go. Your sister needs you." You patted his shoulder. "Thanks Y/n." He smiled, heading to his room.


Jin had already left few minutes ago and you were now sitting on the couch, watching TV while Jungkook was in his room.

The doorbell rang, making you groan as you got up a reached for the door. You opened the door.

"You?" You said, shock hitting you. "Um, isn't this Jungkook's house?" Said the man who was standing outside. "Hyung!" Jungkook shouted from behind. "May I come in?" Jimin asked you. "Oh, um, sure." You moved aside. He entered the house with Mina following behind. She gave you a death stare before going ahead.

You shrugged it off and closed the door.

"I didn't know you both lived together." Jimin said keeping his suitcase next to the couch. "I just don't like staying away from her." Jungkook said.

Excuse me? You thought.

Jimin gave him a mocking grin. "I see." He said.

"It's a nice house." He complimented.

"Thanks." Jungkook answered.

"Um, welcome home?" You said softly.

To Be Continued-

Finally!! Exams over!!! Yesssss!
This was short, I know. The next chapter has little resemblance with a FF on YouTube (it's inspired from there). I don't mean any violation to copyright! I just love that particular part so I wanted to add it to my story. Credits to rightful owner.

BTW, I came up with a new cover. Lemme know how it is.

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