Ep:20 [Count On Me]

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It was late at night and you were returning back from work. It was dark and your eyelids were gettinh heavy with every second. The grip of your hands on the steering wheel was getting looser. The lights of cars coming from the opposite direction hit your eyes in such a way that you were forced to blink them multiple times.

You stopped your car, when the traffic signal turned red. You left out a tired sigh. You waited at the signal till the light turned green. Meanwhile, you took a sip from your water bottle to quench the thirst.

The light turned green and you tapped on the gas pedal, unaware of the consequence.

You were halfway through the crossing, when there was a loud thud; and the last you could see was your body being taken inside an ambulance.

With the siren constantly beeping and the horn playing it's part, you were taken to the hospital. Your vision was getting blurry by every second. Your eyelids were forcing to shut. You breath was getting heavier and you felt yourself slowly drifting to unconsciousness.

From the stretcher, you were placed in a trolley and taken right into the operation theatre as you lost your consciousness.


"Hello?" Taehyung spoke on the phone. "Miss Y/n, met an accident." The lady from the other line informed. Taehyung's eyes widened. He didn't want to believe what his ears heard.

The last call you had made was to Taehyung to tell him that you were on your way home.

"I'm on my way." Taehyung rushed to his car and drove to the hospital.


His shoes tapped across the floor as he ran straight to the reception. He was scared of the result.

"Miss Y/n?" He said catching his breath. "She is in room no. 376. Just head straight." The receptionist informed. He walked endlessly, waiting only to reach your room.

He finally stopped in front of room no. 376. He hesitated to open the door. He was afraid to know of the scene behind the door. Gathering all the courage he had, he twisted the door open. 

There you laid, eyes shut, lips parted, forehead bandaged. The monitor placed beside you bed showed your rate of heartbeat.

He slowly walked beside you and sat on the chair next to your bed. Unwillingly, a tear left his eye. He gently held your hand,"Get well soon." He said and let go of your hand.


Your eyes opened, hesitantly as the sun rays hit your eyes. You found yourself in a hospital room.

As you lifted your body, you felt a weight on your thighs. You looked down to see a head. A blonde-haired head. Your face twisted into a frown. Slowly, the person lifted his head and it was none other than Taehyung.

"You?" You asked. "Yes me." Said he nonchalantly. "What are you doing here?" You asked again. "Last night, I got a call. It was from this hospital. They said you got into a car crash." He said with a blank tone.

You felt your head ache. You touched it to find it bandaged. Your face lost it glow. You were starting to panic. "I have a trip to go to tomorrow! I can't be in this state!" You shouted.

"Quiet." He took a pause, "I'll go on the trip alone. You stay here." He finished. "What? No! I'm coming along." You protested. It was of no work. And Taehyung was right. You had to say back because of your health. Going would just affect you even more.

"Fine. I'll stay." You left out a sigh.


You came back home that night, getting greeted by a worried Jin. He threw at you a million questions about the bandage on your head. You said you got into a car crash and that it was going to be fine.

He served you dinner since he thought he was the best chef in the world and his food could heal anything. You accepted without a word due to the intense hunger taking over your stomach.

You were still worried about the trip, but you knew you could count on Taehyung.

To Be Continued-

Unedited Chapter.
I'm currently having my exams!!!!! (╯︵╰,)(╯︵╰,)😭😭😭😭.
I won't be updating soon from now on. Please cooperate with me.


This story hit 300 reads!! Love y'all!!

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