Epilogue: With You Always

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"Should I call him?" You asked, dubious about the thought in your mind.

"Now I am not the one who's supposed to have an answer to that Y/n." Said Taehyung from the other line.

He's right.

You couldn't rely on Taehyung all the time. Afterall, this one thing was your problem to be solved, not his.

"Do you have any sort of idea?" You asked again, hoping he would come with something great just like every other time.

"Here's one–" He said. "Think." He suggested.

Say what now?

Your face dropped and you left out a sigh of irritation. "Fine. Thanks though." You said.

"Anything for you Y/n." Taehyung giggled on the line as you cut the call.

Shall I, or shall I not?


"No. I'll just leave it." You mumbled to yourself.


"It's my anniversary." You muttered again, unsure if you should call Jungkook or not.

You want to wish him, even if he is the one who forgot about it.

Yep. That's right. Jeon Jungkook, forgot about his anniversary.

He had set off to Philippines for a business trip three days ago, promising he'd call you you every single day. He did so for the first two days, but not for the third one, a.k.a: YOUR MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY. 

You were confident that he had found some random chick to spend his days of the business trip with. After-all, HE WAS JEON JUNGKOOK.

You dropped yourself on the couch, thinking hard on what you should be doing at the very moment.

Your tongue pushed your cheek making it bob up. You gulped involuntarily as your not-so-noticeable Adam's apple moved up and then down. 

Should you call him? Or let it be and play hard-ball?

Jungkook is ths one who forgot about your anniversary, and not you. Of course, it wouldn't cause you any harm to make the first move of dialing in his contact number, but Jungkook has equal responsibilities in this, and he should be the one calling you.

"But a teensy little phone won't be any disastrous." You spoke to yourself.

Yup, you were getting swayed. A lot more than you were supposed to.

Yeah but referring to some instances from earlier, you calling Jungkook, wouldn't be much of a trouble. Yes, you were in a hitch, but hitches are known to be temporary.

After-all, he was the one who insisted to stay together. Not you.

He was the one who wooed you up with those cheesy yet heart-warming lines, saying that ‘you both could make your own statistics.’

Well , great job Jungkook Jeon.

After saying he'd be with you and keep you happy, he forgot to wish you on your anniversary. THE WHOLE DAMN DAY.

Waiting till 10:54 pm at night wasn't your designated job, and expecting a wish call from you husband—who said he loved you—wasn't much of a crime either.

Nothing but arrant vex filled you up with every passing minute as you abode waiting for Jungkook to ring you up.

You huffed as you leaned back on the couch, your back resting against the soft backrest of the couch. Your arms were crosses over your chest and your lips contorted in anger.

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