Ep: 39 [Sensual Presentation]

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Holy moly!

Freaking problematic crap!

Curse you time!

I will bloody choke you!


For heaven's sake someone save me!

I swear to my pillow, I will kick the alarm clock out of my house!

Crapping fracking trashy piece of garbage!

The damn alarm clock had one bloody job to do!


How irresponsible of it!

How am I even keeping it in this house!

I swear to—

"Someone's in a hurry." A voice spoke from behind.

You looked behind, getting greeted by a mocking smirk.

You glared at the said man, puffing your nostrils. He sat on one of the chairs of the kitchen island and rested his chin on his palm and looked at you innocently as if he just did not tease you.

"I will kill you." You said while gritting your teeth.

"Oh really? Will you?" He teased again.

His smirk was teasing and annoying, yet at the same time hot. He knew how to trouble you and get you into a form where you were angry and tempted at the same time.


You gritted your teeth and glared at him with your blood boiled up higher than 100°C.

"I will, once I am back from work. I've a got a presentation today and I can't afford to mess it up." You said going back to working.

"I understood that when I saw you setting the table while wearing your suit." Jungkook said.

"Yes, so I am going to go now." You said as you washed your hands and then headed straight to the couch to get your bag.

"Wait–" You turned towards Jungkook, "Aren't you doing the presentation too?" You asked.

Jungkook cupped his face and looked at you innocently like a two year old little child. He smiled sheepishly and said, "Yes. I am doing the presentation too."

"Then why aren't you ready?" You snapped at him.

"Because I feel lazy." Jungkook replied nonchalantly.

You shook you head and slapped your forehead as you gave him an incredulous look.

Your arms dropped down and your hands which were in the forms of fists, opened as they swayed lazily at the side of your body.

"I'm speechless at your casualness." You said as you picked up your bag and went ahead to wear your shoes.

"Listen your food is–"

"Is in the microwave, heat it up when you have it. Get ready soon and come to the office as fast as you can and make sure to come safely. I know." Jungkook cut you off.

You smiled at his kiddish expression.

"Oh, I almost forgot." You said walking towards him.

You bent down to his level as he looked at you eagerly, waiting for you to proceed ahead with you planned to say. At least, that was what he assumed.

"Don't get nervous while speaking today." You said.

He looked, a blank expression on his face.

"Come safely." You kissed his cheek.

He looked up at you with eyes wider than ever. You smiled cheekily and then ran out of the house, completely ignoring the said man.


Somebody please kick him!

"So, moving on from here, let's take a look at the improvement graph." You said, trying your best to hide the discomfort and uneasiness that your husband was causing you.

Jungkook stood behind you with one hand in the pocket and the other on your back.

His touch gave birth to a sensual sensation. The tempting proximity between you both have rise to a hot feeling inside you. His hot breath hit the skin of your neck, making you squirm a little in order to ignore the awkward moment of sensuality.

"You have quite a voluptuous body, Y/n." Jungkook says in a sultry whisper.

His index finger started to draw circles on your back as you continued to go ahead with the presentation.

The tip of Jungkook's finger brushed against your shirt— which was doing a pathetic job of protecting you from the dangerous moves being used on you.

You inhaled deeply, trying not to make your discomfort very obvious to the unknown figures sitting in front of you.

Every other person present in the conference, threw vicious glares at you. Those judgemental and serious stares, pierced right into your soul.

And then there was Jeon Jungkook.

His finger kept encircling your back sending tingling waves through you, and you stood at the podium, vulnerable, because his touch, impaired you.

"I might leave a trail of wet kisses on your neck, Jeon Y/n." Jungkook whispered into your ear.

What? My innocent little ears! They lost their innocence! Noo!

"Now, as to conclude–" You kept speaking, ignoring Jungkook's troublesome actions.

He is so freaking annoying!

Jungkook stepped closer to you, decreasing the already less distance between both of you.

Help me!



The fact that Jungkook chose to speak for the first half of the presentation, made you curse yourself because it had just clicked your mind that he— did it on purpose!

"Your neck, sends a rush through me." Jungkook said sultry-ly.

Breathe Y/n, breathe.

"Well, that is it, ladies and gentlemen. For any further clarifications or any further questions, you may contact us." You finished.

The people got up from the chairs and one by one headed out of the conference room as Jungkook and you stood by the door, bowing to each one of them.

When everybody had exited, Jungkook slammed the door of the conference as he turned to you.


"Uh, you might want to open that door." You said, pointing at the closed black door.

"Nah, don't think so." He replied, walking closer to you.

You stepped back, hitting the long, brown table.

Jungkook dangerously came close as he placed both of his hands on either of your sides, trapping you between them.

Save me! (Oh yeah!)

To Be Continued-

How was it? I'm eager to know!
❤️ DreamTimeBTS

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