Ep: 35 [Dreadful Happening]

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"I think I'll visit later." You said, heading out of Jungkook's cabin harshly shutting the door behind your back.


What in the bloody hell! You did not expect to witness such a scene.

You blasted into your room, slamming the door close. You were gripping the end of your coat so tightly that it crinkled up.

Dropping yourself on your chair, you put your mind at ease. You let yourself think about what you just saw.

After all that has been happening for the past few days, would Jungkook really do something so cheap and of low-standard?

Think Y/n, think!

All those moments of being close and loving, would he just let them move past like a passing cloud? Those couple seconds of the sultry nearness, would he just let it all go? Was it all just a play; just mere timepass? He very well knew how his sudden change in attitude made you feel. The look in his eyes whenever he teased you, it wasn't the one of a player, it was genuine; as if it came out involuntarily and not on purpose.

The voluptuous rushes that you had been feeling, did he not think of it? Especially what you saw today, it trampled your hopes that had finally started to grow. You didn't know if today's scene was created intentionally or was a coincidence that you misunderstood, but by what came to your notice and concerns, is that it trampled you and you didn't expect this from Jungkook.

Shall I talk it out with him?

Your breathing was unsteady and you were gripping your hair tightly. Sighs of disappointment were making their way out of your mouth.

This was an intricate situation. You weren't able to come to a conclusion of what to believe. Was it a misunderstanding or an intentionally done blatant action? It impaired you to just think of it.

It was unbelievable, that after so much of a good and comfortable closeness, Jungkook would do such a blatant action. It made you ballistic.

You slammed your hands on the brown, wooden desk as you got up from your chair.

"Calm down Y/n, calm yourself down." You mumbled to yourself.

Trying to keep your calm, you took off your coat and hanged it on the handle of your chair.

Breathe. Stay calm and breathe.

You close your eyes and tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ears. You massaged your temple as you thought deeply.

It was an incredulous situation, giving it a fifty percent chance of being a misunderstanding. Afterall, the genuine-ness in Jungkook's eyes every time you both were close, it couldn't be false. And not to forget, he called your lunch: a date.

"Maybe I'll just talk it out with him." You said as you exhaled and went out of your cabin.

Your steps were fierce yet at the same time weak. You seemed pale and that worried Taehyung—who just saw you pass across his cabin.

He immediately got up and stood at his doorstep, concerned about what your were up to.

You reached in front of Jungkook's cabin and were about to knock on it when the someone opened the door from inside.

Out stepped a haphazardly dressed Yunjin with her shirt unbottoned till the third button of her shirt. The rest of her shirt stuck to her body like a leech and you twisted your face in disgust upon seeing her upper body.

How can someone move around so unshamedly? Does she not have any self-respect?

You were oblivious at the moment and the only thing ringing in your head was Yunjin's state right now. She was extremely messed up, as if she had been into an intimate and erotic action just a couple seconds ago.

No, it's not true.

"Oh, hi ma'am. May I help you?" She gave a smug grin.

"If you still want my sympathy, head back to your desk." You said, trying to hold back the fury that was inside you.

You didn't want your words to come into the scene because your eyes speaking enough. Hot, red, boiling flames of anger were reflecting in your eyes and that was enough to make Yunjin know about your thoughts on her.

She still stood there, a shameless smirk on her face. She crossed her arms over her chest, exposing her chest even more. She looked at Jungkook by the corner of her eye making you realise that you now had to witness something more; something more incredulous.

The heedless you, hadn't yet noticed that she wasn't the only one in a clumsy dress up. She was accompanied by someone else.

Not wanting to witness any more of her cleavage, you turned your head to Jungkook who stood by the door, leaning on his left shoulder.

What in the world of heck! Is he—

Your eyes started to get filled by tears. You bit the corner of your lip as you looked at the said man.

Jungkook wasn't wearing his coat anymore. The first two buttons of his shirt were open and his sleeves were rolled up till his elbow. His hair was no more sober and sorted unlike how he came here in the morning. Not only that, his tie hanged loose from his neck and his white shirt was untucked and crumpled at the hem. The veins of his arm popped out and his biceps were trying to tear through the thin fabric.

Yunjin was tapping her foot making her heel tick everytime, managing on building a high tower of vex inside you.

You scoffed and looked at Jungkook. "Seems you're enjoying your day." You said, fighting battles with your tears.

"Yunjin, head back to your desk." Jungkook said, looking at you.

The said woman, gave Jungkook a blatant lip bite as she swayed her hips from side to side as she headed back to her desk.

You stood stationery, like a statue, eyeing your husband from head to toe.

"Y/n I–"

"Oh no, it's ok. You don't have to make up a lie Jungkook. I'm fine with all your doings." You said giving him a bitter smile.

Jungkook's Perspective:
He didn't dare to speak after what Y/n just said. He looked into her eyes. He could see the heavy mist of grief in Y/n's eyes. He could feel his heart clench as he looked at his wife who was standing while fighting a war with her tears.

"Y/n, liste–"

"I've seen enough, I don't think I have to listen to anything else." She said forcing on a reluctant smile.

"I'll head back now, excuse me." She said.


You turned around, meeting a hundreds of confused and shocked gazes.

"If you don't wish to get fired, get back to work right now!" You snapped at the employees.

Brushing your hair with your fingers, you walked straight into your cabin. You walked past Taehyung like a robot, emotionless-ly.

This is a very dreadful happening.

To Be Continued-

How was it? I'm really curious to know!
❤️ DreamTimeBTS

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