Ep: 38 [What Happened That Day]

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"Wait, you didn't do anything with her that day?" You asked, looking at him in a confused way.

"Of course not! What made you think I did something?" He questioned back.

"Your attire?" You said with an obvious tone.

"Here is what happened that day." He started.


Jungkook sighed in anger.

Yunjin sat across him, a smug grin on her face. She leaned on the chair, her back resting on the leather platform.

Jungkook was tensed and irritated at the same time.

Yunjin was the biggest attention-seeker he had ever met till now and unlike his teenage, he disliked such girls.

Should I push her out?

Should I just kick her out rudely like I do to the others?

Or should I just fire her?

Think Jungkook, think!

He massaged his temple in vex as he looked up, just to get greeted by most annoying and disgusting smirk ever.

He got up from his chair and straightened his coat as he said, "Let me use the restroom."

Not letting his secretary respond to him, he rushed out of his cabin as fast as he could, going straight to the restroom.

His steps were angry and frustrated. He very badly wanted to fire his secretary due to her desperate behaviour, but he couldn't because he feared he would loose his best employee.

He burst open the door of the restroom as he stood in front of the sink, trying to calm himself down.

Breathe, Jungkook. Stay calm.

He opened the tap as he stared at the pouring water. He splashed water on his face, trying to ease his mind.

The door to one of the cubicles opened and out came his best employee.

"Sir?" Said Jonghoon, looking at Jungkook with a frown. "What's wrong? You seemed tensed."

Jungkook looked up at the man, eyes full of fury. He sighed heavily before he spoke. "Your sister Jonghoon, she is-"

"Trying to seduce you?" Jonghoon finished his sentence.

"How do you know?" Jungkook asked.

"Everyone in the office knows. She has a thing for you." Jonghoon crossed his arm over his chest as leaned on one of the sinks.

Jungkook snorted in disbelief. "What? A 'thing'?" He asked, giving Jonghoon an incredulous look, shocked of what he heard.

"Yes, a bad thing to be honest." The other man replied.

"I request you to elaborate on that." Jungkook said as he stood up straight, wiping his face with a tissue.

"Sir, I-"

"I won't fire you Jonghoon. Perhaps, I actually want to fire your sister." Jungkook said.

"Then why haven't you fired her?" Jonghoon asked.

"Because she is your sister." Jungkook answered.

Jonghoon smiled before replying, "You don't have to worry much sir, I won't resign if you fire her. To be honest, I don't want her here either."


"Really? Wow." Jungkook exclaimed. "But how do I fire her, I don't want to do the same 'get out of my room'."

"Trample her ego. It's that simple." Jonghoon replied. "Burst her ego bubble, turn her on and then drop it all. The only thing she wants, us to get you in bed."


"No wonder you're my favourite employee." Jungkook smiled brightly before exiting the restroom.

He took of his coat as he entered his cabin. Yunjin sat there fidgeting with her nails.

Jungkook scoffed loudly as Yunjin turned around and a smirk grew on her face.

Jungkook sat on his black chair and opened a drawer as he pulled out a white sheet with something written on it.

Jungkook looked up at Yunjin with a sexy smirk as he bit his lip in a tempting way. "You were saying, Yunjin?" He said her name in a whisper.

Her eyes lit up and she licked her lips. "I needed some help with work." She replied.

Jungkook dangerously smirked before opening the first two buttons of his shirt. He rolled up his sleeves up to his elbows as he revealed the veins that popped out in his arms. He ruffled his hair as he sexily brushed them behind.

He scribbled something on the white sheet as he went towards Yunjin and bent down to her level.

He rested his hands on the armrests of the chair as he stood in front of Yunjin in a position where he had trapped her.

"You're fired." He said handing her the white sheet.

Yunjin was in utter shock and she could not process what was happening in front of her.

When Jungkook came up so seductively, she thought she would be able to make her move. But, tables turned and she was now standing in her boss' cabin with a white sheet in her hand which clearly stated that she was no longer working for Jeon Jungkook.

"Now get out, before I kill you." Jungkook said, as he opened the door.

Yunjin stomped out of the cabin and Jungkook was about to close the door, when he saw you standing in front of him.


"You know the rest." Jungkook finished.

Damn shit!

"You fired her?" You asked, shock flowing in you.

"Didn't you listen to me? Yes I did." Jungkook answered.

"Now when I think of it, I actually did see a paper in her hand." You said thoughtfully.

"Exactly, so get over this misunderstanding. I would never even try to get close with someone like her." Jungkook said. "I mean it would be a different case if it were you."



"Beg pardon?"

Jungkook looked at the floor, an expression of regret and shock on his face. His eyes grew wider every second and his lips pursed into a thin line.

"Well, the important part is–" He said, "–that you know what happened that day."

To Be Continued-

Unedited Chapter.
I have no words for the pathetic trash I write 😂.
Anyways, stay safe!
Thank you so much for 200 followers! 😭😭😭😭😭
It means so much 😭♥️♥️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
❤️ DreamTimeBTS.

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