Ep: 32 [Fun At Home With Jimin]

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"Don't stop yourself Y/n."

What is that supposed to mean?

What is he trying to tell me?

Why can't I figure it out?

Is it even something I should think about?

Why was he smirking?

What just happened?

You still sat on the bed, thinking about Jimin's words. You tried to figure out what he meant by saying the previous lines. Especially the look on his face, it was as if he had something weird in mind. That smirk, it was evil, yet had a touch of suggestion in it. It was as if he was assuring you for something, but the problem was, you didn't know what.

"Aish!" You ruffled you hair and got off the bed, not delaying anymore. You entered the bathroom. After brushing your teeth, you took a freshening bath and then went downstairs.

Your hair was wet, not much, but yet, wet. A thin lock of hair fell on your face, tickling your skin as it moved along with the steps you took. The hair stayed in layers, just the way you set it up. A rubber band was tied around your wrist, so that when your hair would dry up, you could tie it into a ponytail.

You ruffled your hair again, pushing it backwards as you tucked the front-ward strands behind your ear.

A neat, tidy living room greeted you in the morning.

You felt proud, that this was a living room, owned by a person like you.
It was properly set, unlike your bedroom which you mostly kept haphazardly. 

You went towards the kitchen.


What is that smell?

Your eyebrows found a reason to join themselves as you headed further towards the kitchen.

Every step, just increased the curiosity inside you.

Smell of something burning?

You stopped on the spot as your eyes widened. Holy crap! The house is on fire!

You walked ahead but again frowned.


You walked further, reaching the kitchen. There stood two men: one with silver hair and the other with brown hair.

You place your hands on the kitchen island as you keenly observed the situation.

The silver haired male was laughing with an apron around his abdomen. Okay?

The brown one, was facing the counter, with an apron around his body, and his head hanging low.
Uh, okay?

"What is this?" The angelic, tranquil voice of the silver haired male said between the laughter.

"I don't know." Said your brown haired husband, still looking down.

Jimin's eyes disappeared into his face as his head automatically went down due to the immense laughter.

Not able to control yourself anymore, you finally decided to let them know about your presence.

"Good morning." You said, drawing their attention.

Jungkook flinched around and quickly covered something. You assumed it was what Jimin was laughing at.

"What are you doing? Why do I smell burning?" You asked, walking towards Jungkook.

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