Ep:31 [Awkward At Home]

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You got ready for work. You wore blue denims and your coat over your shirt. You tied you hair into a ponytail as a few strands of hair fell on the sides.

You looked in the mirror one last time before going when-

"Y/n!" Jungkook barged into the room, wearing his pajamas.

You frowned at him. "Why aren't you ready for work?"

"We can't go to work." He said.

"What? Why?" You asked.

Jungkook's Perspective:-
He went down to the kitchen for a glass of water before getting ready for work. He was still in his pajamas and planned to get ready after a freshening glass of cold water.

As soon as he reached the kitchen, he was surprised by his cousin who stood there with his back facing him.

Jungkook peeked from behind as noticed that his cousin was making coffee.

Crap! He gulped in nervousness, thinking of what to do.

His cousin's silver hair shimmered due to the falling light. Jimin exercised his shoulders as they relaxed. His shirt tightened around his shoulder plates making him look intimidating.

Jungkook immediately ran to your room to stop you since he knew you were already halfway through getting ready for office.


"Jimin can't know we work at the same place." Jungkook walked closer to you.

"Why though?" You asked.

"Because for him, you are a baker. Remember?" He sighed heavily.

Jungkook opened the door quietly and peered into the living room. He could see a shady image of his cousin placing two cups of coffee on the tray.

He quickly, yet, quietly, closed the door to your room as panic filled him.

"Change your clothes! He's coming."

"My closet is a mess. If I search for clothes now, then he will find out about us." You said.

Jungkook rubbed his temple. He widened his eyes, looking at you.

"What?" You asked.

Without answering, he took of his t-shirt, tossing it to you.

What the?

You looked at him in awe. The fabric moved away from his skin, revealing treasures. You gulped staring at him.

"I'll let you stare at me later." He said, pressing his ear to door, then looking back at you.

"Um, could you turn around?" You asked biting your lower lip.

He nodded, doing the same action.

You quickly took off you coat, throwing it on the side chair. Then you took off your shirt, wearing Jungkook's t-shirt.

"Done?" He asked impatiently, his back facing you.

"Yes." You replied as he turned around.

His shirt came till your knees which made you look like a child. You secretly smiled. Jungkook's scent filled your nose, making red tint rush up to your cheeks.

There was a click of the doorknob.

Jungkook immediately pulled you towards himself as he threw himself on the bed, with you still attached to him like clay.

Your head hit his chest real hard as you fell on the bed but that was not something you could care about.

You quickly pulled the blanket over your legs to hide the denims you were wearing and shut your eyes, pretending to sleep.

"Good morni--" Jimin paused at the sight.

Jungkook and you were no professional actors, but this was enough to fool Jimin. To him, both of were sleeping while cuddling each other. At least, that's what it looked like.

"Cute." Jimin said. There was a lot of cracking and brushing for which you assumed was due to Jimin keeping the tray. Maybe.

His comment send a weird rush through you. A sultry rush. You tried your best not to make your, now red, cheeks not to obvious by ignoring the feeling inside you.

Jungkook subtly opened his eyes, pretending as if he just woke up from a deep, pleasing sleep.

He lightly kicked your leg under the blanket, indirectly telling you to now stop pretending.

You immediately rolled to the side since now you were feeling a little too erotic being near to Jungkook.

You slowly pushed yourself up, looking at Jimin with eyes half open.

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry." He gave his heart-throbbing smile.

Gosh! That smile. You thought.

"What time is it hyung?" Jungkook stretched his arms.

You gulped looking at those biceps. Keep yourself together, Y/n.

"Enough time for you to wake up." Jimin said handing him the cup of coffee. He headed towards you with another cup as you accepted it with a smile while Jimin sat on the side chair.

Jungkook ruffled his hair, making sure you noticed it because he was subtly and deliberately teasing you.

You bit your lower lip, awkwardness filling you up. I'm not sure what is the feeling inside me. You weren't the type of person to get turned on easily; but now, you were feeling weird, not turned on. It was as if you were uncomfortable with Jungkook showing his bare body.

"Don't you have work?" Jimin asked Jungkook.

"I do. But I don't want to go. I want to stay back today." He said the last sentence with a tempting whisper, looking at you by the corner of his eyes.

Jimin smiled at his brother. "This is office Jungkook, not school. Don't miss it."

Lord! Thank you for giving Jimin some brains.

Jungkook nodded in agreement and quickly sipped his coffee. He went off the bed and headed out of the room, to the bathroom.

You watched his back in awe as his figure disappeared.

You turned your head, back to the coffee cup in your hand. Welp, now that's a relief.

It took you a few seconds to realise that Jimin was smirking at you.

When you turned you head to Jimin, you were somewhat mocked by his evil yet cute smirk.

"What?" You asked raising an eyebrow.

He shook his head, as if you were a little kid. He got up, taking the cup from your hand and walking towards the door with the tray.

"Don't stop yourself Y/n." He said before going out of the room.

Um, what does that mean? You thought.

To Be Continued-

Ah! I would've published this chapter earlier but Wattpad was glitching and I had to log out twice! I'm sorry for the delay 😔.
But, yay! 1K+ reads! You are amazing 😍❤️❣️.
Thanks for reading this book🌹❤️.

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