Ep:9 [A New Start]

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You sat on your bed, looking at the photo you adore and value the most. It was the photo of you and Jisoo at the amusement park. You were 15 and Jisoo was 19 back then. The photo reminded you of how much fun you had back then with her. She was not only a sister to you, but also a best friend. She was like a diary, you share anything and no one would ever get to know your secrets. But now she's gone, leaving you alone in a world of cruelty.

It had been two weeks since the meet with Jungkook and tomorrow was your wedding.

You didn't want this, neither did Jungkook, but you both had to.

This was going to be a new start. Something new, something fresh, something different.

You expected life to be better, better than Jisoo's. For some reason you found it selfish, but on the other hand, you felt you that weren't wrong.

Placing the photo on the nightstand, you lie down on your bed, closing your eyes slowly, and cherishing your memories of the past. With Jisoo, with Taehyung, all of them.

You were interrupted by a message. It was from Taehyung. He wanted to know if you were free tomorrow.

You didn't tell him about your marriage because you weren't sure on how he would react.

You texted him back, saying you wanted to meet him.

He gave an instant reply, agreeing to your text.


You entered the coffee shop and noticed Taehyung sitting at a table, waiting for you. You walked towards him and sat in front of him.

"So..what is it?" He said, maturity in his voice. "I'm g-getting ma-married", you stuttered.

He was speechless. He was at a loss of words. It felt as if he stopped functioning.

"Please say something!" You said, nervousness reflecting in your voice.

His eyes started widening, a smile crept onto his face. He was..... happy?

"When!" He exclaimed. "I can't wait to see you kiss a guy! I've never seen you do that befo-", you cut him off by covering his mouth. He was too loud.

"Shut up blabber-mouth!" You said.

"But when?" He said, this time, normally. "Tomorrow...5:30 pm. At (xxx place)." You answered.


You sat on the chair, wearing the white gown with the veil hanging behind.

The scene reminded you of Jisoo. How she sat on the same chair, wearing a white gown and veil covering her face.

Your mother stood next to you as she saw you getting ready. You sat there staring at your feet.

After you were ready, your dad came in wearing the same tuxedo he wore at Jisoo's marriage four years ago.

Before letting you go, your mom told you,"I'll miss you my child", a hint of sadness observed in her voice.

You delivered a soft smile before going to you father and walking with him. On entering the hall, you saw Jungkook standing there wearing a black suit that made him look perfect. But you hated him since long, and that hatred, wouldn't subside.

You walked across the aisle, reaching the end, where the priest and Jungkook stood. Before turning to them, your eyes fell on Taehyung who stood with a comforting smile on his face. It was as if he told you that it's gonna be worth it.

"Do you, Jeon Jungkook, take Kim Y/N as you wife?" The priest spoke. Jungkook took one last glance at his parents before speaking. "I do."

The focus turned on you. "Do you, Kim Y/N, take Jeon Jungkook as your husband?" You desperately wanted to say no, but you couldn't. "I-I do", you replied, disgusted by your answer.

‘‘I now announce you husband and wife.’’

That's it. Life's done. You're dead.

You will now have to kiss Jungkook!

Something you'd not even do, if you had to die.

"Kiss each other!" You heard Taehyung yell from across the hall.

What The?!

The crowd started cooing and howling like maniacs. You glared at the cute-faced Taehyung for what he did.

Before you could react further, you felt a pair of soft lips on yours.

Jungkook kissed you!

You didn't react, didn't even budge. It was extremely shocking. He let go of you. The kiss was short.

Well that's good.

Clapping started in the hall. Taehyung kept teasing you with his looks. You felt like kicking him out of the Earth. But you wouldn't be able to survive if that happened.

You were blank. Completely blank.

"Never kissed before?" Jungkook scoffed. "No because I ain't a Playgirl." You responded. Jungkook rolled his eyes and so did you.

"Don't think this changes anything." Jungkook spoke again. "I never thought so." You retorted.

Not a minute after marriage, and you both already started arguing.

This was a new start, but it was gonna be tough ahead.

Best of luck....

To Be Continued...

The upcoming episodes are better, please keep reading.

And BTW, this is the gown you were wearing-

And BTW, this is the gown you were wearing-

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