Ep: 36 [Drunk]

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You sat in your cabin, the sharp light of your computer stinging into your eyes. You shut your eyes, not able to take in any more of the piercing light. Even though the tube light of your cabin was switched on, the computer's light stung your eyes, making your head ache.

"Oh man, I'm tired." You said as you heaved a sigh and leaned back on your chair, resting your back on the backrest of the black leather chair.

You brought your hands up to your eyes as you gently pressed the heels of your palms to your eyes, comforting yourself a little. A few strands fell on you face when you had lowered your head so that could massage your eyes with the heels of your palm.

"Come home, you're very tired. You need to sleep." A male voice said out of nowhere.

You looked up, your back still fallen on the backrest of the leather chair. "Taehyung." You sighed as you sat up straight, going back to working on the presentation.

Taehyung came forward and sat down on the chair parallel to you. He placed his arms on the wooden desk as he looked at you work. "It's late." He said.

You looked up at him, eyes red due to the pressure. Your eyelids insisted to shut but you fought back since right now, first priority was work.

"Go home." You said, not looking at Taehyung.

"Y/n, you can work tomorrow." He said, hint of sadness in his voice.

You looked up again, peering straight into his eyes. A heavy amount of sadness was seen amidst the pacifying and cheerful look he was trying to pull on.

You leaned back on you chair as you massaged you eyes with the heels of your palm again.

He is right. You're extremely tired and you need to rest so that you can work again tomorrow.

"Fine, let's go home." You said as a genuine smile crept onto his face.

You shut down your computer after saving your work and packed up your bag. Taehyung brought his briefcase from his cabin as you both headed to the parking lot.

You heaved a sigh of extreme tiredness and Taehyung gently placed his hand on your back to prevent you from falling since you had already started to galumph.

Your trudge became heavier and you were becoming extremely exhausted. Taehyung wrapped his arm around your shoulder, giving all the support he could, to prevent you from falling face-foremost on the hard ground of the parking lot.

"You didn't really have to wait for me you know. You could've gone home." You said as Taehyung unlocked his car.

He jogged to the other side of the car to help you get in. "I couldn't leave you here." He smiled.

He sat in his own seat and buckled both, your and his seatbelt. "You know what? You won't have to attend office tomorrow." He said.


"It's a Sunday." He said grinning.

You weakly rose your fist and cheered a 'yes' upon hearing the good news. "But seriously, it's midnight and you shouldn't have waited for me." You said.

"I'm not letting you travel alone. You told Jungkook to go home because you wanted to avoid your feelings for him." Taehyung replied. "God knows what you'll do if you are alone."

"I am not avoiding my feelings! I don't have any." You protested, frowning at him.

"Y/n, I am your best friend. I know you better than you know yourself." Taehyung said.

He's actually right.

"Wh-whatever. Let's go home." You said looking at your lap.

Taehyung heaved a sigh showing how he disapproved your idea of ignoring what you felt.

Not uttering another word, he stepped on the gas pedal and drove off to your house.


The ride home was silent. Neither did Taehyung speak, nor did you. You looked at Taehyung. He blankly stared at the road, as if he was robot.

"You wanted to avoid your feelings for him."

Maybe he is right.

You looked your fingers as you played with them. Maybe you were actually trying to ignore your feelings, but you had reasons.

The fact that you had seen him in a casual attire with his secretary, couldn't do anything but make your question your own self. It made you feel as if you were expecting a little too much from him. Afterall, he was your enemy, since childhood.

Taehyung pulled the car to a stop and you looked up to see that you reached home.

"Thanks." You said to him as you got down and headed towards the door.

"Y/n-" He said as he followed you. You turned around to face him. "-Don't trip on the stairs." He said.

You giggled and replied, "I won't."

He smiled as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "Take care."

"You too. Go safely." You said as you twisted the doorknob.

"What the!" You exclaimed.

"It's locked? But Jungkook came home didn't he?" Taehyung said.

The door was locked.

"You have the spare keys don't you?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes I do." You replied.

"Good. Go in and go to bed." Taehyung said, tossing another smile.

"What about Jungkook? He isn't home yet." You asked.

"He'll come home. He has the keys I suppose." Taehyung pursed his lips.

"Yes but-"

"Y/n Jeon, stay calm. He'll be back." Taehyung said as he held your shoulders and gave a brotherly smile.

"Fine. Good night. Take care." You smiled slightly before both of your parted ways.


It was past midnight and Jungkook still wasn't home. You stayed up even though you were sleepy because you didn't want to go to bed before you had a proper knowing of where the said man was.

Your eyelids were getting heavier with every passing second and you could feel an excruciating wave of pain in your head. The exhaustion you were feeling impaired you but you still stayed up.

Jungkook wasn't picking up any calls and neither was replying to any texts.

Where is he?

An agonizing sigh left your mouth as you laboriously got up from the couch and trudged towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

When you kept down the glass after drinking the water, you felt a sudden weight on your body and an armour-hard chest against your back, with a complimentary malodorous air that surrounded you. You could feel someone's hot, fetid breath on your neck and a warm body that pressed you against the kitchen slab.

You turned around meeting an unreadable gaze. His eyes were blood red and his bangs hanged loosely over his forehead.

"Jungkook, you're drunk." You said as you weakly pulled him towards the couch and placed him there.

You headed towards the main door and just when you were about to shut it a sudden pair of hands slammed it close from behind you.

"Jungkook you shouldn't be moving around." You held him by his shoulders and took him back to the couch as you made him sit.

"I'll get you some water." You said.

You were about to go when he held your wrist. His head slowly titled upwards as he looked at you with pleading eyes.

In a trance, he pulled you towards himself and at the moment you were sitting on the couch with Jungkook laying on your lap.

"Let's just stay like this for sometime." He said, making himself comfortable on your lap.

To Be Continued-

Unedited. (There might be *plenty* mistakes)
Seriously, why am I writing trash?😂
❤️ DreamTimeBTS

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