Ep:4 [Annoying Crackhead]

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"Take care", Taehyung said bidding his bye as he went inside his room and you made your way to yours.

Inserting the key you open the door, entering the room, looking greedily at the bed as if it were on of your favorite foods and you would gobble it down any moment.

Throwing your purse on the bed, you pick out a pair of pajamas and enter the bathroom for a freshening bath.

Letting the warm water fall upon your body, you close your eyes shut as you enjoy the refreshing bath.

Coming out of the bathroom wearing your pajamas and drying your hair, you keep the towel aside sitting up on the bed with the book ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ written by Oscar Wilde.

Just as how much you enjoyed spending time with Taehyung, this book entertained you to the infinity. The way every detail was described satisfied you alot.

Without even realising that it was time for dinner, you kept on reading the book until there was a knock on the door. You kept the book aside, folding the right corner a bit to remember the page you were on; you opened the door to be greeted by one of the sweetest smiles on Earth.

"You coming or not?" Taehyung spoke sweetly inviting you for dinner.

"I'm in my pajamas", you said as you felt a little embarrassed.

"Just put on the school blazer, then it'll be fine."

"Okay", you grabbed the blazer and the key, locking the door behind you walking to cafeteria with Taehyung.

At The Cafeteria

As you continued to have dinner with Taehyung while talking about random stuff, you heard laughter across the room.

You turned your head just to look at the annoying Jeon Jungkook laughing with a couple of other guys.

"Ugh! Annoying Crackhead!" You mumbled under your breath but loud enough for Taehyung to hear you.

Jungkook POV–

"Aww, poor Jimin lost a girlfriend", Jin hyung said mocking my cousin Jimin.

"Shut up!" Jimin replied, sending a glare to Jin hyung as all of us laughed at the two boys bickering with each other.

"Who are you at laughing at Jeon Jungkook?! Even your girlfriend cheated on you!" Jimin snapped at me, gaining all the attention of the students in the cafeteria.

"Why didn't you speak louder hyung?" I replied sarcastically.

"YES!!" I heard someone say across the cafeteria. It was a girl. I looked around to see her smirking at me.

End of Jungkook POV.—


"Who are you laughing at Jeon Jungkook?! Even your girlfriend cheated on you!" A girl-faced guy snapped at the idiot who's face turned serious in the blink-of-an-eye.

"Why didn't you speak louder hyung?" The dumbo spoke in a sarcastic tone.

Well it was loud enough for all to hear...

"YES!!" I shouted out of happiness and joy, hearing that the flower boy of the school was cheated on.

A pleasing wave flowed through me and I could now find a way to trouble Jim any tims.

I love you Lord!!

—End of Y/N POV.—


You were sitting in class with whispers surrounding your ears, most of them, being the girls.

"Is it really true?" A girl from the back spoke.

"But I thought Jungkook hates her." Another girl spoke with a questioning face.


What is happening?

The bell rang signalling your dismissal from the classroom. Finally throwing your bag over your shoulder, you moved out of class, meeting Taehyung at the hallway.

"Y/n is it true?" He asked concerned. More of... disappointed?

"What?" You asked confused.

"Your rumors with Jungkook. Are they true Y/n?" He replied even more disappointed.


Your rumors with that brat?!

This can't be true right?

"What on Earth are you talking about?" You said shocked with what you just heard.

"There was a post today morning. It said that yesterday when students got to know about Jungkook's girlfriend cheating on him, you screamed ‘yes’ and were smirking at him." He replied.


"I was just happy because Jungkook's pride was crushed yesterday. Why would I be happy to know about his break-up when I hate him to the infinity and beyond? How could you believe the shitty post?" You said, this time disappointment in your voice.

"I'm sorry. I was just shocked to see that post so I confronted you." He spoke a bit embarrassed.

"It's okay. I would react the same way actually." You said rubbing the back of your neck.

"What class do you have next?" Taehyung asked.

After looking at your schedule, you replied, "Physics. But I don't wanna go",

"Wanna bunk?" Taehyung asked.

He so knows you.


Turning to the opposite direction of class, you start walking outside. But not long enough, you were greeted by the all-time-irritating Jeon Jungkook.

His doe eyes and annoying smirk are always enough to boil your blood even more that 100°C.

Just when his face doesn't work, he starts to speak, that too mocking you.

"Your hate subsided it seems Kim Y/n." He said, the smirk still plastered on his face.

"That's just your interpretation. My hate for you subsiding is like an Ostrich being able to fly–Impossible!" You respond walking out with Taehyung.

"We'll see about that." Jungkook mumbles before disappearing into the hallway.

—End of Y/N POV—

To Be Continued..

This was shit. For sure!
But do read ahead and tell me how you felt.

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