Ep: 33 [Date]

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"Go safely." Jungkook hugged his cousin.

"Take care." You said tossing Jimin a sweet smile.

He smiled widely, his eyes disappearing into nowhere.

He walked closer to you as he pulled you into a small hug. You hugged back, patting his back.

He gave you one last, luscious wink as he slightly chuckled at your reaction. "Now now, Mina wouldn't like it if she saw this." You said, giving a look of warning.

"Only if she found out." Jimin nonchalantly stated.

You ended up giggling at his statement. He gave in with the giggle and you shook your head. "You are one strange person." You said.

"I know Y/n." He winked again. "Aish! Stop." You said as he headed out of the house.

The taxi stood there as Jimin and Jungkook put the luggage in the trunk of the car.

Jungkook waved at his cousin—who was seated inside the yellow vehicle—as the car took off.

He stepped inside the house as he locked the door.

He turned around, expecting to see you but you weren't there.

He headed to the kitchen.

There you stood, in front of the kitchen counter, with your hands resting on the graphite slab. You head was tilted to the side and your shoulders fell after you left out a sigh.

An automatic smile crept onto his face as he approached his wife who was standing at the kitchen, leaning on it, putting all of her weight on the black, graphite slab.

"What's wrong?" He asked you.

You turned to him. He was caught staring at you deeply. His eyes were sending a soothing and pleasant feeling. The bangs of his brown ebony hair fell perfectly and beautifully on his forehead. His lips were slightly parted showing his two front teeth.


"I'm not in the mood to cook lunch today. Especially a meal." You said heaving a sigh. "But i have to, so I'm thinking of what to cook today."

"You don't really have to cook if you don't want to." Jungkook said as he turned around with his back leaning on the kitchen counter. "But you have to eat something. You can't stay hungry. You shouldn't stay hungry." You protested.

He looked at the floor, thinking hard about your statement. "If I asked you cook something for me, would you do it?" He asked out of the blue.

What? You frowned at his question. That was one question that was very un-needed and to be more precise, stupid. How could he even ask a question like that? You hoped that he did not forget that fact that you were his wife and that now you were the one responsible to provide Jungkook a good lifestyle; and that included cooking for him.

"Yes?" You said hesitantly, not sure of how to react to his question.

He nodded as he again went back to his thoughtful state. Probably thinking of what food to order for.

"I demand a muffin." He said looking up at you.

What in the world of heck?

"A what?" You look at him with frown. (Just imagine the J-Nope face😁)

"A muffin. Lot of them." He said smiling widely.

That freaking bunny smile! I swear to lord—

You smiled at his bunny smile. The way his eyes wrinkled at the corners, the way his front teeth popped out like a rabbit, the way he changed from a man to a little child, it made you feel nice. It made you feel good. It made you feel....special.

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